Mohammad P, Zienab B, Hossein K. J. The Effect of Cinnamon Extract on Gonadotrop in Changes (FSH& LH) in Rats Treated with Gelophen. Biomed Pharmacol J 2014;7(1)
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Pourahmadi Mohammad1, Beheshtimoghadam Zienab2 and Kargar Jahromi Hossein3

1Department of Anatomy, Jahrom University of Medical Science, Jahrom, Iran

2Department of General of Fars Province Education , Jahrom ,fars , Iran.

3Zoonoses Research Center, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Jahrom, Iran.



Gelofen is an Anti-inflammatory drug which by Inhibition of Prostaglandin and cyclooxygenase prevents the conversion ofArachidonicacidto intermediate Endo-peroxides and has numerous effectsonvarious tissuesof thebody. Cinnamonbarkhas many therapeuticproperties;its usestrengthens theheart, stomachandintestines,improvingKidneyactivity. Considering the possible side effects of Gelofen and cinnamon’sbeneficialeffectson the body, the most important objective of the present study is to investigate the effect of Cinnamon on possible side effects of Gelophen in secretion of Estrogenand Progesterone hormones. 42 female Wistarrats were randomly dividedinto 7groups. The first group (the control group ) was not treated with any drugs. The experimental group 1 and 2 only received 50, 200 mg/kg dosage of cinnamon respectively, the experimental group 3 received only Gelofen with 400 mg/kg dosage andthe experimental group 4 and 5 received Gelofen and cinnamon extract with 50 and 200 mg/kg dosages intraperitoneally. At the end of the day 21th, the blood sample was taken from the rats and serum concentrations ofestrogenand progesteronewere measured. Then statistical data were processed with SPSS version 18 using ANOVA test (One- way analysis of variance), they were determined as significant (P< 0.05). The concentration ofEstrogen inthe experimental group 1increasedsignificantlycompared to control group. Progesteroneconcentrationswere significantlydecreasedin the experimental group3 compared to the control group and the experimental group 1 and 2 (P<0.05). Accordingto the aboveit can bestatedthat Gelofen causes a relative decreases in the secretion of estrogenand progesteronehormones by production ofhydroxylradicals and damaging the ovarian tissues, but Cinnamonextractreduces the side effects with its antioxidant properties and effective substances.


Cinanamon; Gelofen; Estrogen; Progesterone; Rat

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Mohammad P, Zienab B, Hossein K. J. The Effect of Cinnamon Extract on Gonadotrop in Changes (FSH& LH) in Rats Treated with Gelophen. Biomed Pharmacol J 2014;7(1)

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Mohammad P, Zienab B, Hossein K. J. The Effect of Cinnamon Extract on Gonadotrop in Changes (FSH& LH) in Rats Treated with Gelophen. Biomed Pharmacol J 2014;7(1). Available from:


In Medicine and Veterinary, Non-steroidalanti-inflammatory drugs are used as sedative, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory for many diseases (1). These drugs particularly Ibuprofen, are vastly used torelieve pain caused byextensive surgery (2) and dentistry (3) and as non-opiate analgesicsin children(4).Various non-steroidalanti-inflammatory drugs have different effects in different animal species (5).The mechanisms of action of these drugs are also different. They may inhibit the synthesis of a specific group of prostaglandinsandendo-peroxides, or may inhibit certain biochemical reactions.Therefore,before using these drugs in a particular species, the species should be examined and evaluated(5, 6). Considering the side effects of chemical drugs,Researchers have recently turned to the use of herbal medicines(7). And now science has progressed towards herbal enjoying some herbs along with chemical drugs can help to treat some diseases(8).

The generic name for Gelofen is Ibuprofen. It is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, Non-narcotic analgesican dantipyretic drug. Its various brand names are as follows (9). It is used in the treatment of in flammatory diseases (Such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis),relieving mild to moderate pains, Control of pain and inflammation indental surgery, bone surgery and mid wifery, as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of pain fulmenstrual periods.Dizziness,mild nausea, heart burn and headache are among the possible side effectsof this drug. Red spotson skin,hives, itchy skin, blacktarry stools, bloodyurine, blood-streaked vomit, abnormal bleeding gums,unusual bruising, wheezing, shortness of breath,swelling of the legs or ankles, a rapid increase in body weight, Confusion, seizuresand coma are also among the dangerousside effects of this drug(10).

Cinnamon is the general name for ‘Cinnamomum Zeylanicum Nees’(its scientific name) which is an aromatic and pleasant herb(110). It is from Laurel family (Lauraceae) which all the parts have the fragrant odor of cinnamon(12). Cinnamon is the secret for youth and its daily use keeps the body healthy and young. Cinnamon is used for heightening and recovering the sex drive, warms up the kidneys and eliminates the waist and leg weakness, and treats Anemia. Cinnamonis the best medicine formuscle pain. Cinnamon has asedative and cheerful effect and is better than many tranquilizers. Lowering the fever is another use of Cinnamon (12). Cinnamon bark contains more than 50 different compounds of which 60-80 percent is Synam Aldehyde. some of its combinations are: Synamyk acid, Phenolic compounds like Eugenol and Flandrenand Safrvl, Terpene compounds such aslimonene and linalool,trans-synamaldehyde, Tannins, coumarin, resin and the phenylpropane compounds like hydroxysynam aldehyde; The sweet taste of cinnamonis due tomannitol.One tea spoon of cinnamon contains 28mg of calcium, iron, more than one gram of fiber and and plenty of vitaminc, k and manganese. it also contains the amount of 1.2 grams of carbohydrate(13). Considering the above mentioned is sues and the prevalence of infertility followed by the use of generic drugs in appropriately, this study was conducted in order to investigate the antioxidant effects of a cinnamon extracton the levels of estrogen and progesterone secretion in Gelofen treatment.


The current research is conducted completely experimental in a randomized manner.All the ethics of working with laboratory animals in this study were met.49 adult female Wistar rats weighing5% ± 200 grandaged 100-120 dayswere obtained from there search center in Jahrom. The rats were placed in Islamic Azad University of Jahromfor  32 days in experimental conditions including a temperature of2 ± 21° C and 12 hourslight and12 hours dark cycle. The rats were fed standard rat chow (pellete). Also, the water was provided for them in special water bottles. Their cages disinfected with 70% alcohol three times a week. The method of preparation and administration of Gelofenwa as follows: Gelofen was bought from a drugstore in Jahrom,produced by Dana pharmaceutical companies in capsulesof 400mg, then the drug was taken out if the capsules and ffter dilutionwithdistilled water, was injected intraperitoneally in mentioned dosages (400mg/kg ) to corresponding experimental groups on a daily basis using Insulin syringe and needles.

To prepare the cinnamon extract, 1 kg cinnamon stick was purchased from market, then it was well ground and completely powdered. Soxhlet extraction method was used,in this way,for every 10 grams of cinnamon powder, 200ml of the solvent containing ethanol and water was added to it and poured in soxhlet machine, at the end, the solvent was separated from the extract using the Rota vapor machine. The rats were randomly divided into 7 groups of 7 as following:


Were kept in normal state with out any treatment.


they received 50 mg / kg cinnamon extract in traperitoneally on a daily basis.

Experimental 2

they received 200 mg / kg cinnamon extract in traperitoneally on a daily basis.

Experimental 3

they received 400 mg / kg Gelofen in traperitoneally on a daily basis.

Experimental 4

they received 400 mg / kg Gelofen and 50 mg / kg Hydro alcoholiccinnamon extract in traperitoneally on a daily basis.

Experimental 5

they received 400 mg / kg Gelofen and 200 mg / kg Hydro alcoholiccinnamon extract in traperitoneally on a daily basis.

At the end of the21-day period, after weighing, all the groups of rats were anesthetized by Ether and blood samples were taken from their heart. After separation of serum,estrogen and progesterone concentrations were measured in the laboratory of Medical Sciences University of Jahrom. One way ANOVA was applied to compare the treatments and then t-testand Duncan test was used for multiple comparisons between the groups.(P<0.05) was considered as significant .Data analysis and statistical testing was performed using SPSS, version 18.


The results indicate that the Estrogen concentration in experimental group 1 has a significant increase compared to the control group. The experimental group 3 also has a significant decrease compared to the experimental group 1 and 2.The experimental groups 4 and 5 also had a significant increase compared to the experimental group 3. ( P<0.05) (Figure1.)

 Figure 1: Changes of Estrogen Hormone Figure 1: Changes of Estrogen Hormone


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The results indicate that progesterone concentrationswere significantly decreased in the experimental group3 compared to the control group and the experimental groups 1 and 2. Also, The experimental group 4 has a significant increase compared to the experimental group 3 .P<0.05) (Figure2)

Figure 2: Changes in progesterone level Figure 2: Changes in progesterone level


Click here to View figure


Discussion and Conclusions

The present results indicate a significant decrease of progester one concentrations in the experimental group 3 compared to the control group and the experimental group’s 1 and 2. Also, the concentration of estrogen in the experimental group3 compared to experimental groups 1 and 2 has significantly reduced.

It is stated that NSAIDs can prevent the proliferation ofmesenchymal cells (14) which is done through inhibition of AP-1 four mechanisms (15). It alsostated that the drug injected bilaterally into the various tissues of the body stimulates the production of hydroxyl radicals and damages the tissues and using  this substance can be effective in assessing and measuring impairment (16). Further research regarding the effect of this drug on various organs suggest that NSAIDs such asraloxifene are selective estrogen receptor modulators and The result of this study suggests tha traloxifene significantly decreases Mzanzhyal cell proliferation and fibronect in accumulation in tissues of diabetic(18, 17). Also, as stated Granulosa cells of follicles are responsible for production of estrogenand progesterone in Ovary (19). It is likely that this drug by the mechanism of hydroxylradical production causes damages to ovarian tissue and reduces the estrogen and progesterone hormones in Gelofen receiver compared to the groups which received the cinnamon extract.

On the other hand, in the present study,in the groups received cinnamon, the experimental group 3 had a significant increase in the concentration of estrogen compared to the control group. Also, the experimental group3 4 and 5 showed a significant increase in estrogen levels compared to the experimental group received 3 which only received Gelofen.

Cinnamon contains phenolic compounds such aseugenol, Flandrenand Safrvl, Terpene compounds such aslimonene and linalool,transsynam aldehyde,Tannins, coumarin, resins,the phenylpropane compounds like hydroxy synam aldehyde; The sweet taste of cinnamon is due tomannitol (20,21). Cinnamoni savery powerfulanti-free radical. Antioxidant properties of cinnamon are comparable with other spices such asginger, licorice, mint and vanilla, as well as chemical preservatives (22). The investigation determined that Cinnamon increases levels of the estradiol hormones and there by increasing ovulation due to its antioxidant properties and its effective substances (23,24).

It is also stated that the Dltakadynexisted in cinnamon, increases LH secretion and LHin turn increases the direct effect of estrogen and progesterone hormones synthesis (25) which is consistent with the present research; and certainly, The groups that received the extract and drugs imultaneously showed the Improvement in estrogen and progesterone hormones compared to the group that received only the drug, indicating the positive effects of this extract.


According to the above it can best at ed that Gelophen causes a relative decrease in estrogen and progesterone hormones by Production of hydroxyl radicals and damaging ovarian tissue, but Cinnamon extract with its antioxidant properties and effective substances reduces the side effects.


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