Aghamohammadi M, Asgari S. The Relationship Between Personality Characteristics and Emotional Intelligence and Academic Performance at the Students of Medical Sciences the Alborz Province. Biomed Pharmacol J 2016;9(2).
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Mojgan Aghamohammadi1*and Saeed Asgari2

1Department of psychology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran.

2Psychology, Faculty of psychology, Department of psychology, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.



The concepts Spiritual Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence play a very important and vital role in determining many variables in health psychology. Spiritual Intelligence is adaptive use of Spiritual information (SI) to facilitate everyday problem solving and goal attainment. Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself, of others, and of groups. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between Spiritual Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence with Happiness and Stress Tolerance. The sample consisted of 270 students that were selected through random sampling from University of Medical Sciences in Alborz Province. Participants completed the oxford happiness questionnaire, Spiritual Intelligence Scale, scaling of life events, Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire. In this study Happiness and Stress Tolerance have been considered as criterion variables as well as four factors Emotional Intelligence (self-awareness, self-management, relationship management, social awareness) and spiritual Intelligence have been considered as predictor variables. Finally, we used Pearson correlation test, and Univariate and multivariate linear regression test for Analysis of data. It should be noted that the number of incomplete questionnaire were 21 from 270 that were left out and data related to the remaining 249 participants (118 girls, 131 boys) were used in the Analysis. The result showed that there were a positive meaningful relationship between Emotional Intelligence (self-awareness, self-management, relationship management, social awareness) and Spiritual Intelligence with happiness and stress tolerance. The result of regression analysis also revealed that four factor Emotional Intelligence (self-awareness, self-management, relationship management, social awareness) and spiritual Intelligence were the best predictors of Happiness and Stress Tolerance. Theoretical literature and researches studying have displayed that Spiritual Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence are relevant to many variables in mental health and psychological well-being. consistent with theories and previous findings present study showed that all dimension of the Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence were significantly related to Happiness and Stress Tolerance among the students.


emotional intelligence; characterof personality; academic performance

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Aghamohammadi M, Asgari S. The Relationship Between Personality Characteristics and Emotional Intelligence and Academic Performance at the Students of Medical Sciences the Alborz Province. Biomed Pharmacol J 2016;9(2).

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Study useful agents or harmful on the achievement always has been one of the challenges of the researcher’s education system. In several studies, these factors in order of importance and their impact identification and sorted. The most important factors on the educational progress are psychological characteristics of individuals. Such as the role of personality beyond is the role of intelligence. Skills and abilities emotional and social under the title emotional intelligence are well known such as a strong predictor of the educational progress. In this study tried that we can predict academic performance through variables emotional intelligence and character traits.

Now a days educational isn’t performance only the result of individual intelligence with hardware features at environment. But psychological aspects of individuals such as personality traits and EI where play an important role. More than last century with the creation of specialized fields of education and educational psychology, study student achievement factors affecting on leading part from research by experts in the field is formed that from the present research determine the contribution and the participation of non-cognitive variables is in academic achievement. Nearly one century is psychologists widely to identify predictors of academic achievement   work (Gustav 1, 1992). Petraydz et al. (2004) the relationship emotional intelligence attribute for academic achievement check out they concluded emotional intelligence the relationship between cognitive abilities and academic achievement moderates. Emotional intelligence  in our view Pierre Vasalvy   serve as a capability include   the capacity of perception, expression recognition application and   emotions managing   self and others (Zare, 2009).Goleman in 1995.Emotional intelligence including the ability of its stimulate  and resistance deal with frustration, control of impulses  and delaying joy,  set your mood,  empathy up and being hopeful defines  and in 1998 to  the capacity to recognize their feelings  and others, stimulate own and manage their emotions. At relations define (Razeghi, 2009). On the other hand research has shown character in many cases, important role and considerable. Characteristics in fact as the driver’s mood, to purpose considered. That is, these characteristics man susceptible to different behaviors in certain situations the (Kalygury, 2000). Five characteristics of characters including neurosis, extraversion, conscientiousness, openness to experience is acceptable. Authors   for example Barrier 2 (2001) believe that  learning  often  in schools reduced to the final product, but   process eligible depth is widespread  and understanding the process   can not the result according exclusive to the results.   Focused on results and training products, are understood   and get what in the learning process there is destroys in this process, emotions can be   progress and the success of students facilitate or   weakening them. In research Rahman Nejad that the relationship between emotional intelligence and personality characteristics of students assessed showed that with 95% confidence it can be said that between emotional intelligence and character traits  (Introversion and extraversion and the relationship between male and female there is not the emotional intelligence significant relationship. But between emotional intelligence and character traits there is stable and fluctuate with 99% confidence meaningful relationship. Recent research stressed that personality factors especially at higher levels of formal education play role in predicting educational performance (Chamuru-Permuzyk Vafarenham, 2003). Emotional Intelligence Bradbry and Jane Graves including: social awareness and manage is the relationship and self-awareness, self-management. In other research Rahimzada (2001) between student achievement and their emotional intelligence achieved a significant relationship. As well as between male and female student achievement there was a significant difference and academic achievement of girls most of the boys.  Overall score emotional intelligence   between boys and girls there was no significant difference. Zare (2001) in this research to   the study   forecast achievement through the emotional intelligence of students has implemented in junior high school Emotional intelligence questionnaire once it in the city and on people examples their study. Results showed in this study, significant correlation (68 r = %) between emotional intelligence and success.  Between 48%fromthe total variance in academic achievement emotional intelligence explained (from Rajabi, 2006). The purpose of this study it is the relationship between personality characteristic and emotional intelligence with the academic performance medical students of Alborz province we review and that the personality characteristics and emotional intelligence has to what extent power of forecast the academic performance students.


the study of plans is descriptive or more precisely  plan correlation and of predictive (regression). It should be noted that in this study, variable personality characteristics and EI serve as variable predictive variables and variable are the academic performance the criteria. Research communities in this study, all students, at least one semester to be spent at Alborz University of Medical Sciences in 2012. The number of university students is 924 people by using Morgan table the sample size required about 269 of the students 2012-2013 school year is Alborz University of Medical Sciences.

The data collection tool: at the theoretical framework of resources and various sources were used such as books, journals, theses. Collecting of information will be performed by using standard questionnaires and its distribution within the sample and required information.

Questionnaires personality trait NEO-FFI and emotional intelligence questionnaire:   in this study, from questionnaires personality trait NEO-FFI have60 questions. Section theoretical framework were used various resources and references such as books, journals, theses. Data collection using standard questionnaire its distribution collected among the statistical sample will take place required information. Scoring this means that questions as five option from strongly disagree (0)disagree (1),idea (2),agree (3),and strongly agree (4).Some questions are in reverse scoring. Time required completing used the questionnaire.10 to 15 minutes and questionnaire self-assessments. Emotional intelligence questionnaire Brad Barry and Jane Graves this questionnaire is 28 questions.  Scoring method is that Individual items according to their specific columns we scoring and to the soft score at table for items turn the all items obtained on the bottom these four scores are collected and the number obtained to the total scores write and the table on the total score of emotional intelligence according to it, we write the tables book emotional intelligence by Bradbry available. As well as demographic information students of  such as age, sex, marital status, field of study   collect your after permission it was obtained the authorities and in coordination with the department of education the average students of semester   first semester 2012.   From the 269 questionnaires distributed was completed in the end   249 questionnaires. Methods: Information for research with the implementation of questionnaires as a group on the samples in question   in different fields   respectively.   To the prevention of   orientation mental patient to name and the content of the tests, was also provided after running the some scores which tended. Results findings   on two levels descriptive statistics   and were analyzed inferential statistics. In the description, to compare the demographic characteristics   from   absolute frequencies, cumulative frequency percent, column charts, Pie chart  and also   average and   standard Were used deviation  . As well as in the inferential statistics as regards   the data were from a distance by using   Pearson correlation analysis   and multiple regressions   were analyzed. Total number of individuals, 249 people, as well as the number of women (52.2 percent) in this study, most of men (47.8 percent) has come in table 1.

Table 1: frequency, frequency percentage and the percentage of compression for sex

sex frequency frequency percentage condensation percent
Females 130 52.2 52.2
Male 119 47.8 100
Total 249 100


As can be seen the number of single people in men (51.4) most of women (48.6), respectively. However, the number of married people in women (71.8) most of men (28.2), respectively. Field of study frequency and percent frequency were related to the field of study samples in table 2. The results of this table most people field operating room and medical emergencies.

The only a few this means that are 10.4% of occupational health and midwifery. The following pie chart has been determined for degree students of according to sex.

Table 2: The frequency and frequency percentage related to academic disciplines

education frequency frequency percentage frequency
public health 20 8 8
occupational health 13 5.2 13.3
environmental health 23 9.2 22.5
operating room 46 18.5 41
anesthesiology pediatric 32 12.9 53.8
nursing 34 13.7 67.5
midwifery 13 5.2 70.7
medical emergency 45 18.1 90.8
medicine 23 9.2 100
total 249 100


Personality characteristics: Grades five characters are measured by NEO personality inventory. Average,   standard deviation,   the minimum and maximum scores five personality table (3) states. That can be seen most posts related to the conscience and the lowest average related to the extraversion. Emotional intelligence is measured of this variable by Bradbry questionnaire and Graves (2005). Components of emotional intelligence including; Self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, management is the relationship. Below average and standard deviation scores of emotional is obtained intelligence in the sample.

Table 3: The mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum scores of personality characteristic

Average standard deviation Minimum maximum
extraversion 3.1239 0.72062 1.27 5
neurosis 3.6202 0.52141 2.18 4.91
pinkness 3.5672 0.48936 1.73 4.91
conscientiousness 3.6270 0.49250 2.36 4.91
compatibility 3.6250 0.62580 1.50 5


Table 4: The mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum scores Related to emotional intelligence In the students

components of emotional intelligence Average standard deviation Minimum maximum
social awareness 2.8302 0.65404 1.20 4.60
management of
2.9432 0.76208 1.20 5
self awareness 2.9152 0.70361 1.86 5
self-management 2.3285 0.69042 1 4.67


The academic performance: GPA students were considered as an indicator of the academic performance. You can see the average GPA students 16.59 and the scope 13.00 up to 20 variables. Next diagram related to the frequency of GPA the students have come. Survey research hypotheses hypothesis 1: The personality characteristic and academic performance there is meaningful relationship.

Study hypotheses of research

Hypothesis 1

Between personalities characteristic and academic performance there is meaningful relationship. In this hypothesis is personality characteristics as a predictive variable and educational performance as criterion variables.  To test of this hypothesis since scores of personality characteristics were used (extraversion, neuroticism, openness, conscientiousness and adaptability) and educational performance at the distance   are from Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Pearson correlation results has come between the criterion variables and predictive at table 5.

Table 5: Pearson correlation between personality characteristics and academic performance

Solidarity Count Level of significance
Extraversion 0.163* 249 0.012
Neurosis -1.231** 249 0.001
Openness 0.267** 249 0.000
Conscientiousness 0.362** 249 0.000
Compatibility 0.263** 249 0.000


Hypothesis 2

Between   emotional intelligence and academic performance there is meaningful relationship. In this hypothesis emotional was considered intelligence as a predictive variable and academic performance as criterion variables. To test this hypothesis since scores emotional intelligence (social awareness, management respect, self-awareness and management of) and academic performance were used in the distance are Pearson correlation test. Pearson correlation results have been reported between the criterion variables and predictive table (6).

Table 6: Pearson correlation between emotional intelligence and educational performance

solidarity count level of significance
Social Awareness 0.139* 249 0.03
Management Of Relationship 0.269** 249 0.001
Self Awareness 0.233** 249 0.001
Self-Management 0.249** 249 0.001


Hypothesis 3

Emotional intelligence and personality traits academic performance predicts. To predict educational performance according to emotional intelligence and personality traits were used multiple regression analysis.  In this hypothesis dimensions of emotional intelligence (social awareness, relationship management, and management of self-consciousness) and personality traits (extraversion, neuroticism, openness, conscientiousness and adaptability) serve as predictive variables and academic performance as criterion variables were entered into the regression equation.  The results of this analysis have been reported the following tables.

Table 7: Mmultiple correlation coefficient (regression coefficient) to predict educational performance

Model R R2 adjusted R2 standard error
Model 1: The predicts Educational performance of Over predictive variables 0.541 0.293 0.259 1.22064


Table 8: analysis of variance educational performance scores on the predictive variables

Statistical indicators Total of squares degree of freedom mean square F level of significance (P)
Model Regression 118.317 9 13.146 8.823 0.001
Remaining 286.017 192 1.490
Total 404.388 201


Table 9: Regression coefficients standardized and non-standardized

  not standardized coefficients standardized coefficients t level of significance
Variable B the standard error Beta


20.486 1.341 15.277 0.001
Extraversion 0.271 0.146 0.140 1.861 0.064
Neurosis -0.437 0.219 -0.163 -1.999 0.047
Openness 0.476 0.203 -0.163 2.343 0.020
Conscientiousness 0.989 0.217 0.345 4.564 0.00
Compatibility 0.224 0.186 0.097 1.2 0.232
Social Awareness 0.093 0.170 0.043 0.549 0.548
Management Of Relationship 0.030 0.140 0.016 0.210 0.834
Self Awareness 0.377 0.162 0.192 2.237 0.021
Self-Management 0.391 0.181 0.192 2.164 0.032


Based on the above table and according to the significant levels of neurosis, openness, conscientiousness, self awareness and management of own can academic performance predict? According to the beta coefficient it can be said change the size of a standard deviation at neurosis, openness, conscientiousness, relationship management and management of own in order whereby is -0. 163, 0.163, 0.345, 0.192 and 0.192 SD change in the educational performance.

According to the table above and on significant predictive variables the regression equation for the educational performance of students is as follows. (0.476 × openness) + (-0.437 × neurosis) +educational performance (0.391 × self-management) + (0.377 × Self Awareness) + (0.989 × conscience).


Results of this study showed that between all the components of emotional intelligence and academic abilities, there is the significant positive correlation.  This is shows that broadly speaking emotional intelligence makes their educational ability. As well as self-management and the results is with many foreign studies such as clip and Maluf (2001), Astunelmyr (2002), Fatun (2001), Ausjyl (2005), Vatuzsky and Lsama (2004) compatible. As well as many local studies is consistent such as Zoghi research (2005),Samari and Tahmasebi (2007)Zare (2001)Mansour (2002), the Besharat and Shamsipour (2006), Rahbary and Abdolmaleki (2009) and Bakhshy (2008). All of these studies suggest that emotional intelligence should be a criterion to determine the performance and academic abilities considered. One of the reasons over the concept of emotional intelligence in context studies related to operation and students’ progress there’s findings that cognitive intelligence alone cannot as it should be determining students’ educational performance.  But another explanation that cans the importance of emotional intelligence and even its superiority cognitive intelligence the performance prediction and academic abilities Justify The social aspect of it is. Indeed you should know that each person in a context and social context Lives and it cannot be in way from this perspective, he said. Indeed our social environment full of events and events that need adjustment and compliance with these conditions. Upon review the relationship between personality characteristics with academic capabilities in this study, it was found that extraversion, openness, conscience and compatibility and academic performance there is a significant positive relationship. As well as between neurosis and academic performance is a significant relationship. As well as regression analysis predict revealed neurosis, openness, conscience can academic performance.  These findings is consistent you can Chamuz studies, Permuzyk and Farnham, 2003, Ahmadi (2008). In the explaining the above results is broadly speaking should be considered the personality characteristics infrastructure behavioral system of individuals sand determining factor on the how to identify and interpret surroundings. In order to study as well as components obtained serve as predictive of academic ability very important rein an aggregation from the present study it can be detailed pattern found the show lack of attention these factor scabby reducing the ability of students Combined. from personality features is placed components conscience, openness to experience and neurosis and emotional intelligence two self-management and self awareness model set academic ability forming that according to the should considered responsibility for education and relevant institutions. Broadly is speaking the results of this study. Suggests that Emotional Intelligence and personality traits as important factors in the ability of students are involved. These are very important and should be in connection with education and have been considered training of students. This issue is in the today’s education system which seeks to prepare the students to meet challenges large and small the next world,  it is very important. In these conditions, considering only in the lessons in the form of pellets and an emphasis on cognitive intelligence are important in order to learn the lessons and ignoring concepts such as emotional intelligence and personality traits serve as a set of attributes that extremely individual learning, is a vast oversimplification. Because the two components mentioned are considered the determining factors and impact on the academic capabilities.  Therefore, schools should its activities on the education and training emotional intelligence and personality feature focus. They should be considering that concepts like emotional intelligence and personality characteristics with educational issues are both of in one direction in the reach the specific goal. These concepts parallel to the both forward and convergence among efforts related to emotional intelligence and personality characteristics with educational activities tangible looks. It is enough beliefs and the prevalent opinion in the field courses of study to mental impasse accordingly to fall away and the way to accept the idea open focus on the personality characteristics and EI in certain courses the ability of our, to learn academic success required, guarantees and this belief your mind clear out.


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