ELdahmy S, EL-DErwish S. Phytochemical Study of Cynara cadunculus L. Growing in Libya. Biomed Pharmacol J 2014;7(1)
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S. ELdahmy1 and S. EL-DErwish2

1Pharmocognosy Dept. Faculty of Pharmacy, Zagazig University, Egypt. 2Higher institute of Medical Technology, Musrata, Libya.

DOI : https://dx.doi.org/10.13005/bpj/459


The paper deals with the isolation and identification of some active constituents of Cynara cardunculus L .( Family Asteracae growing in Libya.


Cynara cardunculus L; Asteraceae; Triterpenes and sterols; flavanoids; cynaratriol

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ELdahmy S, EL-DErwish S. Phytochemical Study of Cynara cadunculus L. Growing in Libya. Biomed Pharmacol J 2014;7(1)

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ELdahmy S, EL-DErwish S. Phytochemical Study of Cynara cadunculus L. Growing in Libya. Biomed Pharmacol J 2014;7(1). Available from: http://biomedpharmajournal.org/?p=2863


Cynara cardunculus L.is a wild plant widely growing  in Libya .,it is a popular medicinal plants used in phytotherapy for its strong choleretic activity, it also used as hepatoprotective1 and antioxidant2and hypoglycemic3, The obvious biological activities of this plant was a good motive to investigate it which is a wild Libyan plant.

Result and Discssion 

The careful separation of the aerial part extract afforded in addition the β sitosterol, stigmasterols, β amyrin , βamyrin acetate, further 5 compounds, apigein1,Luteolin 2, cynaratriol3, B-sitosterol o-glycosides 4 and Luteolin 7-0- glucosides 5.

The structures of these compounds could be easily deduced from Uv., IR., 1HNMR., MS. spectral data.

Compound 1 the Uv. Spectral data showed that this compound is a flavenoid and by comparing the UV. Data with published data, we found out that this compounds. Is apigrnin . The 1HNMR. and IR. data confirmed this result. For compound 2 the UV, 1HNMR and IR data prove that this compound is luteolin. The IR.data of compound 3 showed aband at 1780 cm-1which indicate that this compound has a lactone ring.

Compound I 

IR Spectrum :- 3300 cm-1, 2890cm-1,2924cm-1,1652cm-1,1607cm -1

UV.Spectrum data

Shift reagent maxג
Band I Band II
MeOH 265 cm-1 338 cm-1
MeOH+ NaoMe 276 cm -1 325,399 cm-1
MeOH+ALcL3 276 cm-1 240,345 cm-1
MeOH+ALcL3+HcL 277cm-1 240,376cm-1

The 1Hmmr data showed signals at δ-2.86(m, H-1) 1.85(dd, br, H-5) , 4.6 (dd-H-6) and 2.06( m-H7). Indicate that this compound has a gauaianolide structure. The broad doublets at δ -3.95 (H-3) due to the proton under hydroxyl group the two broad singlets at δ -3.17 (H-14). Andat δ- 4.99(H-14) indicate the presence isolated =CH2 group. The C13nmr confirm this assumption. Compound 5 ,the 1Hnmr signals are similar to compound 2 except the signals of sugar part which is glucose. The UV. data confirm this assumption.spectrum

Compound 2

IR  spectrum:- 3350 cm-1,2980-2890 cm-1, 1670 cm-1, 1620 cm-1

UV Spectrum

Shift reagent maxג
Band I Band II
MeOH 254 cm-1 342 cm-1
MeOH+NaOMe 275 cm-1 402 cm-1
MeOH+ALcL3 274 cm-1 338,425 cm-1
MeOH+ALcL3+HcL 266 cm-1 296,354 cm-1



Material and Methods

material was collected from Musrata-libya. In March 2007, 1Hnmr spectra were recorded in (DCl3 with Bruken wm400.

Mass spectra were carried out in Shimadzu QP5050A, 70 e.v.

-UV spectra were recorded by UV-1601 UV/VIS Spectrophotometer

-IR spectra were recorded by IR Spectrophotometer FT-IR Spectrometer

MS spectrum: – 286(M+) ,( C15  H10 06) ,279 (10), 168(29), 153(20), 149(100) ,137(52)

Compound 3

IR spectrum :- 3520 cm-1 2990 -2890 cm-1 , 1780 cm-1 , 1570 cm-1

1Hnmr spectrum:- δ-2.88 m (H-1) , δ-2.15m(H-2), δ-1.1(m-H-a) , δ-3.58 m (m, H-3), δ-2.10 (m-H-4), δ- 1.88( m-H-5), δ-4.16 (t,H-6), δ-2.2 (ddd-H-7) , δ- 2.1 (m-H-8), δ- 1.66(m-H-8′) , δ-2.65 (tt,H-9), δ-1.92(m-H-9′), δ-3.69 (s-H-13), δ- 3.17 (d-14), δ- 4.9(d-H14′), δ-1.18( d-H-15)

Compound 5

IR spectrum

3340 cm-1, 2990-2800cm-1, 1660cm-1 ,1610 cm-1

U.V. spectrum

Shift reagent maxג
Band I Band II
MeOH 256 cm-1 345 cm-1
MeOH+NaOMe 266 cm-1 305 cm-1
MeOH+ALcL3 278 cm-1 338,420 cm-1
MeOH+ALcL3+HcL 258 cm-1 356,388 cm-1


M.S spectrum

286 (M+– glucose), 256 (10), 156(20),60(80), 44(100)

Extraction and isolation

The air dried material (1kg) was extracted with methanol- ether-pot.ether(1:1:1) affording after deffaling with methanol 14 g. extract.Column chromatography. (SiO2) of the obtained extract furnished 7 fractions .known compounds were usually identified by comparing their data with those authentic data .The pet.- ether fraction gave by TLC (SiO2,PF245,pet.ether:ETAC 9:1) B-amyrin acetate, B-amy rine, fraction 4( ET2O- pet.toether 1:1)gave β-sitosterol and stigmasterols. Fraction 5 (ET2O) gave by TLC ( SiO2, CHCL3-MeoH (9:1) 20 mg  apigein and 39 mg of Luteolin and 10 mg of cynaratriol. Fraction 6( ET2O:MeOH 1:1) give a12 mg of lutealin-7-0-glucoside.) after using PTLC ( Sio2, CHCL3,MeOH- 1:2).


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