Dwivedi D, Gharia A. K, Thanwar M, Gharia A. Insect Control Activity of Some Essential Oils. Biomed Pharmacol J 2011;4(2)
Manuscript received on :November 05, 2011
Manuscript accepted on :December 15, 2011
Published online on: 04-12-2015
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Dhananjay dwivedi¹, Anil kumar gharia¹, Mayuri thanwar² and Abhishek gharia¹

¹Department of Chemistry P. M. B. Gujarati Science College, Indore India.

²Department of Chemistry S. J. H. S Innovative College of Commerce and Science, Indore India.


The role of essential oil as antimicrobial, antifungal and anthelmentic activities are well known. This paper reveals the role of some essential oils to control the insect in the form of attraction and repellents ovicides, insecticides has been described and discussed.


Insect control activity; Essential oils

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Dwivedi D, Gharia A. K, Thanwar M, Gharia A. Insect Control Activity of Some Essential Oils. Biomed Pharmacol J 2011;4(2)

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Dwivedi D, Gharia A. K, Thanwar M, Gharia A. Insect Control Activity of Some Essential Oils. Biomed Pharmacol J 2011;4(2). Available from: http://biomedpharmajournal.org/?p=2139


It is well known fact that the production and use of essential oils did not become common until second half of the sixteenth century.In 19th century gradually the use of essential oils in medicinal drugs become quite popular as perfumes,beverages,food stuffs etc.

The led to the investigations of essential oils and elucidation of their compounds for the use in solving various day to day problems of life. One such problem has been to control insects which  are considered  as serious foe towards mankinds.

Thus it has struck as a sound rational to use essential oils in controlling insects. The essential oils as such have been investigated against several insects. Among the physiologically active substance in insect known today the attractants are the chemical substances which excite or lure the opposite sex for purpose of mating. In 1959 these chemicals were1,2 named as pheromones these attractants possesses potential  utility in  controlling insects by being employed to lure large numbers of one sex to their death in bated traps. The plants also produce such attractants and a comprehensive review on the subject is available in literature3.The same is true for essential oil also. An investigation of vogel4 has revealed the mixture of twelve terpenoids in the flowers of catasetum cycnoches  and stanhopea. Which were attractive to male Euglossa bees  indicative of being sex attractants due to highly excited behaviour of these insects.

Table 1: Effect of Various Essential oils on Different Insects

Name of plant       Compound     Dose/ Name of Insect Insect    %
                               of oil              insect                                   Mortality
1.Abvtilonn indicum                    1.Linaloo                     1% 1. Callasobrychus                               Egq                100
2. D-limonenc       50mg              Maculatus                    Adults   80
3. Citral                                                   Adults                 40
4. Geraniol            25mg              Sitruphilus                   Egq       100
5. a & b pincm      Oryzac                      Adults               75
2.Bothriocloa pertusa1.b-carophylley    1%                               Adults    45
2.a-thujan              50mg              2.C.maculatus             Egq       100
3.a,b pincne           25mg                        Adults               85
3.Muraya exolica  –                     1%                               Adults   45
                               50mg              S.Oryzac                     Egq         95
                               25mg                                                  Adults   75
4.Micromeria Capiteate               b-pinc                                     Adults    75
Cadinenc               1%                 3. C.maculatus            Egq        60
Linalool                 50µg                         Adults               10
D-limone               25µg                         Adults               10
Citral                                            S.Oryzac                      Egq        55
P-cymence                                              Adults                 10
A-3 carene                                              Adults               10
D-a Thu                                        4. C.maculatus            Egq       100
Elemol                                                    Adults               85
Methyl charicol                                      Adults               50
 5.Vitex negundo elemol             1.1%                            S.Oryzac Egq    100
1:8 Cincolcoxide   50µg                         Adults                 85
Terpin nol              25µg                         dults                    60
Farnesol                                       5. C.maculatus            Egq       100
Borneol                                                   Adults                 90
Á-pinenc                                                Adults               80
Cuminol                                       S.Oryzac                      Egq       100
Carophnxlline  oxide                                                        Adults   90
                                      Adults        85

Material and Methods

The essential oils four plants Abutilon indicum Bothriochloa pertusa Muraya exotica Micromeria capitellate Vitex nugundo. The oil was extracted with chloroform from aqueous portion and purified by distillation under reduced pressure. The oil so obtained was tested for   its insects controlling activity and results are shown in given table as follows.

Results and Discussion

From above observation it seems clear that essential oil as whole is quite effective in checking eggs of above insects. All essential oils are quite effective against  above insect except Muraya exotica which is less effective in initial as well as latter stage. Possibilities of above compounds to check the insects growth is quite suitable.


  1. Karlson.Buttenandt, A., Ann. Rev Entomol, 4: 39 (1959).
  2. Karlson. P & Luscher, M., Nature London, 183: 55 (1959).
  3. Green, N., Beroza, M, & Hall, S.A., Adv Pest Cont Res 3: 129 (1960).
  4. Vogel, S., Oesterr. Botan. Z.,110: 308 (1963)
  5. Bowers,W.S., and Bodenstein W.G.,Nature London, 232: 259 (1971).
  6. Guenther,E.The essential oils 1955 3rd ed.vol I Publisher,D. Van Nostrands Company Inc. NewYork pp 147-154.
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