Dhumne U. L, Ingole S. V, Narwadiya S. C. Prevalence of Anemia among School going Children of Low Socio-economic Group. Biomed Pharmacol J 2011;4(1)
Manuscript received on :April 10, 2011
Manuscript accepted on :May 29, 2011
Published online on: 28-11-2015
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U. L. Dhumne, S. V. Ingole and S. C. Narwadiya

National Institute of Miners’ Health, Opposite Wadi Police Station, Amravati Road, Wadi, Nagpur - 440 023 (India).


The aim of the present study was to estimate the prevalence of anemia among school going children and to study the socio-demographic factors associated with anemia. Study was conducted in a rural area of Nagpur District. A total of 350 children (203 males and 147 females) were selected between the age group of 10-16 years old. All confounder factors with socio-demographic characteristics were recorded in the predesigned proforma. Data was statistically analyzed by using chi square test and student t test. Out of 350 children, 160 were found to be anemic among this 21.8 % had severe anemia, 15.6 % had mild anemia and 62.5 % had moderate anemia. Study reveals that overall prevalence of anemia among school going children was found to be 45.7 %. Study findings shows that a significant association of anemia with socio-economic and parents education status.


Anemia; school going children; hemoglobin; Socio-economic strata

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Dhumne U. L, Ingole S. V, Narwadiya S. C. Prevalence of Anemia among School going Children of Low Socio-economic Group. Biomed Pharmacol J 2011;4(1)

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Dhumne U. L, Ingole S. V, Narwadiya S. C. Prevalence of Anemia among School going Children of Low Socio-economic Group. Biomed Pharmacol J 2011;4(1). Available from: http://biomedpharmajournal.org/?p=1897


Anemia is a condition characterized by abnormally low levels of healthy red blood cells or hemoglobin. Anemia one of the more common blood disorders it can lead to health problems because RBCs. Contain hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to the body’s tissues. Anemia can cause a variety of complications including fatigue and stress on body organs. The important reasons for widespread anemia are inadequate intake and absorption of iron from cereal based diet, inadequate consumption of green leafy vegetables and citrus fruits, faulty feeding practices and lack of dietary diversification. Apart from aforesaid factors, illiteracy, pover ty and general economic and social development have a bearing on the incidence of anemia among people of our country. Anemia is a critical health concern because it affects growth and energy levels. The health consequences of anemia in children and adolescents are well documented. In children, anemia affects physical growth and

mental development. Other consequences including reduced levels of energy and productivity and impaired immune system function. Anemia can be mild, moderate or severe enough to lead to life- threatening complications. More than 400 different types of anemia have been identified. Many of them are rare. The National family health survey (NHFS) has reported that a large percentage of women and children in India are anemic. It shows an alarming 5 % increase anemic rate every year. This pilot study tries to find out the problem of anemia in school going children and to study various factors related to anemia.

Material and Methods

The entitled study was carried out among school going children in rural area of Nagpur District. 203 males and 147 females were selected on the basis of random sampling technique. Detailed background information such as socio-economic status, medical history and family history was obtained through administering a well framed interview proforma. For hemoglobin estimation blood sample was collected and transferred to a prenumbered EDTA tube. Hemoglobin estimation was done by the Sahli’s method. For the study of RBCs morphology a thin smear was also prepared and stained with leishmans stain and examined under the microscope. Classification of anemia as recommended by WHO (1992) and NIN (1986) was followed for categorization of the children. The statistical analyses were done using Epi Info 3.3.2 version.

Results and Discussion

The general profile of the studied children is shown in table 1. Out of 350, there were 58 % male and 42 % females. Majority (53.1%) of the children belonged to more than 14 years group while 46.8 % in 13 -14 years age group. Most ( 38%) of the found in NT cast while 34.8 % and 27.1 % children found in SC and OBC cast respectively. Out of 350, 67 there were belonging to upper income family while 129 and 154 were belonging to middle and lower income family. Education history shows most of the children were belonged to illiterate family. Total 103 children were found primary and middle education history of their parents. In this study found that there were only 40 students having father and mother education history is SSC and above. Prevalence of anemia with relation to age and sex are shown in table 2. According to NIN classification it was found that out of 350 children, 190 (54.2%) children were non anemic and 45.7% were suffering from various degree of anemia as their Hemoglobin level ranges between 7.0 g/dl to 11.0 gm/dl. Out of 160, 69 children were anemic in the age group of 13 -14 years. More (56.8 %) prevalence of anemia was found in more than 14 years age groups. Among anemic children, most (65.6%) of the children were male while 34.3 % were female.

Our findings of prevalence rate of anemia bear apparent similar with a baseline survey

Table 1: Profile of the study Children

Characteristics                 Males ( 203 )        Females ( 147 )               Total


Age (years)

13 – 14 99 65 164
> 14 104 82 186
OBC 51 44 95
SC 82 40 122
NT 70 63 133
Upper 41 26 67
Middle 70 59 129
Lower 92 62 154
Mothers education
Illiterate 83 83
Primary 18 18
Middle 26 26
SSC and above 20 20
Fathers education
Illiterate 124 124
Primary 27 27
Middle 32 32
SSC and above 20 20


conducted in Indonesia in October 1996, students showed a mean anemia prevalence of 29 % for girls and 23 % for boys. But high rate of prevalence found in a 1997 survey of 12-18 year old girls in rural India found an anemia prevalence rate of 82.9% among girls in school and 92.7% among girls not in school. According to RBCs. Morphology, anemic children were distributed are shown in table 3. Among 16.

Table 2: Prevalence of anemia with relation to age and sex Age groups Degree of Number of subjects

Table 2: Prevalence of anemia with relation to age and sex Age groups Degree of Number of subjects

Click here to View table


Table 3: Distribution of anemic children on the basis of RBCs. morphology

Red Blood Cell Morphology                     Children with anemia  (160)

Normocytic normochromic 00
Normocytic hypochromic 43
Microcytic hypochromic 93
Dimorphic 24


Table 4: Prevalence of anemia with relation to socio-demographic factors




No. of subjects (n=350)


No. of anemic subjects (n= 160)











Middle 129 33 9.4
Lower 154 110 31.4
Mothers education
Illiterate 83 40 27.2
Primary 18 7 4.7
Middle 26 5 3.4
SSC and above 20 3 2.0
Fathers education
Illiterate 124 89 43.8
Primary 27 7 3.4
Middle 32 5 2.4
SSC and above 20 4 1.9


anemic children, 58.1 % had a Microcytic hypochromic picture in the peripheral smear while 15 % had a dimorphic picture. Prevalence of anemia with relation to socio-demographic factors is shown in table 4. Most (31.4 %) of the anemic children were lower socio-economic family while only 4.5 % of anemic children found in upper socio-economic family. Study results found that the percentage of anemic children is more in illiterate family as compare to those having middle and SSC and above education. Socio-economic status and family education were found significantly association with anemia. Findings of this study is correlate with other study, results shows that socio-economic status and family education were significantly associate with anemia.

variants. Out of 160 anemic children, 21.8 % had severe anemia, 15.6 % had mild anemia and 62.5 % had moderate anemia. Study finding shows that a significant association of anemia with socio- economic status and parents educational status. It suggests a need to develop strategies for intensive adult education and to improve the socio-economic status of  the  rural  population. A significant association of the prevalence of anemia with educational status of parents reflects better among literate family as well as better socio-economic conditions. It is concluded that over all socio- economic development and education level increase in rural population will surely help in reducing the prevalence of anemia.



The overall prevalence of anemia among school going children was found to be 45.7 %. Study reveals that anemia affects with relation to various

The authors are thankful to the Children, parents and school teacher for providing the necessary facilities to carry out the work.


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