Sharma V. K, Diwan R. K, Saxena R. C, Shrivastava P. N, Saxena R. Survey Report of Medicinal Plant Used in Folk Medicine in Tribal Areas of Pandhurna, District Chhindwara (Madhya Pradesh). Biomed Pharmacol J 2010;3(2)
Manuscript received on :August 26, 2010
Manuscript accepted on :September 30, 2010
Published online on: 25-11-2015
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V. K. Sharma, R. K. Diwan, R. C. Saxena, P. N. Shrivastava and Rahul Saxena*

1Pest Control and Ayurvedic Drug Research Laboratory, S.S.L. Jain P.G. College, Vidisha India.

2School of Pharmacy Nimmins, University, Shirpur Campus, Maharastra India.


66 locally available plants of 40 families have been listed below which are used in folk medicine by the natives of Tehsil Pandhura of District Chhindwara, M.P. The lists of the plants have been prepared in alphabetical order along with their local names and medicinal uses of each plant.


Tribal areas; Folk medicine; Ethnomedicinal; Herbal medicine

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Sharma V. K, Diwan R. K, Saxena R. C, Shrivastava P. N, Saxena R. Survey Report of Medicinal Plant Used in Folk Medicine in Tribal Areas of Pandhurna, District Chhindwara (Madhya Pradesh). Biomed Pharmacol J 2010;3(2)

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Sharma V. K, Diwan R. K, Saxena R. C, Shrivastava P. N, Saxena R. Survey Report of Medicinal Plant Used in Folk Medicine in Tribal Areas of Pandhurna, District Chhindwara (Madhya Pradesh). Biomed Pharmacol J 2010;3(2). Available from:


Chhindwara district is situated on Satpura plateau at 1550 – 3820 feet above the sea level. The district lies between 21.28 to 22.49 deg. North (longitude) and 78.40 to 79. 24 deg. East (latitude). Pandhurna tehsil head quarter is situated at Bhopal-Nagpur highway (NH-69) and above 100 km. away form Chhindwara. Gond tribes are the main inhabitants of the teshil. The villagers still practice herbal medicines. The knowledge of these medicines is age old. For them, use of herbs is the cheapest way for cure of various health disorders. So for, there is no any primary health centre in many villages.

In India Dixit and Panday (1984) and sinha and Dogra (1985) have reported the plants used as folk medicine in Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh and Santhal Pargana in Bihar. Kirtikar & Basu have also worked on Medicinal plants of India (1935). A lot of work has been done also on ethno medicinal plants in Madhya Pradesh (Rai et al 2000; Koli et al, 2000 & 02; Saxena et al, 2000 & 02 and Acharya Deepak, 2000 & 04)

But still there are some tribal pockets which could be surveyed for the search of new traditional medicines. We report the ethno medicinal plants of tehsil Pandhurna for the first time.

Materials and Methods

The survey reported in this study was performed during the period of 2008-09 and was confined to the remote tribal areas of tehsil Pandhurna in Chhindwara district of Madhya Pradesh only. Plants were recorded with the help local vaidhyas and   senior people having knowledge of local herbs. The plants were collected and the identity of the plants were confirmed by the botanist, botany deportment S.S.L. Jain  P.G. College Vidisha & submitted to the herbarium of Pest Control & Ayurvedic Drug Research Laboratory Vidisha, M.P..

Table 1: Some Medicinal plants with their uses of tehsil Pandhurna of distt. Chhindwara of M.P.



Name of the Plant &


Local Name Medicinal Uses
1. Abrus precatorius L. Gunja Seed powder is used for the preparation of
(Fabaceae) eye drop.
2. Acacia nilotica (L.)wild Babul Bark is useful in malaria fever. Bark ash is
(Mimosaceae) used in skin diseases & piles with karanz oil.
Tender twigs are used as tooth – brush.
3. Achyranthes apera L. Latzeera Ash of dry fruits mixes with honey and takes
(Amaranthaceae) orally for relaxation in cough & cold as well
as pneumonia & double pneumonia.
4. Actinopteris radiata Morpankhi Ash of dry plants with honey is used to cure
 (J. Konig ex Sw.) Link rickets.
5. Adhatoda vasica Medic. Adhusa Decoction of leaves is used for Asthma.
6. Aegle marmelos (L.) Bel About 20 g. root is crushed and added 10
(Rutaceae) teaspoonful of water. This is taken thrice a
day for a week to cure high fever.
7. Aloe – vera (L.) Burm.f. Gwar-patha Cut a fresh leaf & scratch its mesophyll by
(Liliaceae) knife, a jelly like substance appears. It
applies directly upon wounds & burned skin.
8. Anacyclus pyrethrum DC. Akarkara Fruits are chewed during tooth or Jaws pain.
9. Andrographis Paniculata Kalmegh Decoction of whole plant body is used
(Burm.f.) Wall. ex. Nees against many kinds of fever like Malaria,
(Acanthaceae) Typhoid, Jaundice and Chiken-gunea..
10. Argemone Mexicana Linn. Pili Kateri Latex of plant is applied directly on eyes to
(Papaveraceae) cure Night blindness.
11. Asparagus recemosus wild. Narbod Root Powder is used to increase vigor and
 (Liliaceae) strength.
12. Azadirachta indica A.Juss. Neem Bark is useful in malaria fever. Tender twigs
(Meliaceae) are used as tooth – brush. Dry fruits are used
in tonic preparation and seeds are used in
skin diseases.


13. Barleria prionits (L.) Kati-korati Leaf extract is used to cure tooth ache.


14. Boerhavia diffusa (L.) Punarnava Root extract of 20- 30 g. fresh root with15-
(Nyctaginaceae) (lal) 20 g. mishri is given orally to regulate
menses cycle properly.
15. Bryonopsis laciniosa Linn Pachguria Extract of fresh ripen fruits with Kalmegh,
(Cucurbitaceae) Giloy, Neem & Tulsi is given in malaria
typhoid fever.
16. Bryophyllum calycinum Murari Fresh leaves are chewed during mouth ulcer.
Salisb. 5-10 g. extract of leaves & 20 g. mishri are
Crassulaceae dissolved into 200 ml water and take orally
to relieve stomach pain.
17. Butea monosperma (Lam.) Palas Gum powder is mixed with water and given
(Fabaceae) orally twice a day for 3 days to cure dysentery.
18. Caesalpinia bonducella (l.) Gataran Seed powder is used for digestion purpose.
Roxb. (Caesalpiniaceae)
19. Calotropis gigantea (L.) Safed madar The root of the plant is used against snake
(Asclepiadaceae) bite. The latex of the plant is used to cure
malaria & jaundice.
20. Calotropis procera R. Br. Aak The extract of leaves is used in acute ear pain
(Asclepiadaceae) of children & as antiseptic.
21. Cassia fistula L. Amaltash Bark powder is prescribed in the treatment of
(Caesalpiniaceae) leprosy.
22. Cassia tora Linn. Chirota Powder of dry seeds is used in Asthma.
23. Catharanthes roseus (L.) Sadabahar Decoction of leaves is used to maintain high
(Apocynaceae) bp and for diabetes control
24. Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. Bramhi Fresh leaves of plants are directly used with
(Apiaceae) mishri for enhancement of memory power.
25. Chlorophytum tuberosum Safed musli Root powder with mishri & milk is helpful to
(Roxb) remove weakness during delivery period. It
(Liliaceae) increases the sex power also.
26. Cissus quadrangularis L. Har-jodi Pulp of fresh stem & leaves is applied on
(Vitaceae) fracture bone and rolled cotton ribbon like
plaster and decoction of stem & leaves is
given orally for best treatment.
27. Citrullus aromatica Salisb. Kacharia The seeds are used in stomach trouble.
28. Clitorea ternatea L. Aparajita Root are used as antidote to snake-bite
29. Curculigo orchioides Kali musli Powder of root tuber with milk is given to
(Hypoxidaceae) enhance sex capacity.
30. Cuscuta reflexa Roxb. Amarbel Crushed climber is boiled in Til oil & applied
(Cuscutaceae)  on head for overnight up to 7 days for hair
fall defance & dandruff control.
31. Daemia extensa R.Br. Utran The vegetable of fruits is used to cure menses
(Asclepiadaceae)  problem. Root pulp is used to removal of
snake or scorpion poison.


32. Datura metel L. Dhatura Crushed fresh leaves 20 g. & silajit 5-10 g.
(Solanaceae) mixed properly & applied upon Testes to
removal of swelling.


33. Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk Bhringraj Fresh leaves of plant are boiled with coconut
(Asteraceae) or mustered oil and used as hair oil for hair
fall defance and dandruff control.
34. Euphorbia nerifolia L. Thubad The pulp of stem is used in all kind of skin
(Euphorbiaceae diseases specially in leprosy.
35. Euphorbia hirta L. Nagarjuni The powder of whole plant body is mixed
(Euphorbiaceae) with black piper, back salt , cumin, ajawain
and fennel than take 1tea spoonful twice a
day up to 1 month. It will surely to control
asthma problem.
36. Gloriosa superba  L. Kalihari Extract of root is used to cure menses
    (Liliaceae) problem. Root pulp is used to removal of
snake & scorpion poison.
37. Hemidesmus indicus (L.) Anantmul Crushed fresh root is boiled with black tea
R.Br. (Asclepiadaceae) and take orally for energy & treatment of
respiratory diseases.
38. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Gudhal Paste of leaves & flowers is applied as
L.(Malvaceae) poultice on head. It enhances the hair growth
& reduces dandruff.
39. Jatropha curcas L. Ratan-jot The latex is used in skin diseases and wound
(Euphorbiaceae) recovery.
40. Melia azedarach Bakain Leaf extract is given in respiratory diseases
Linn.(Meliaceae and chest pain. Bark is boiled with water and
solution is used as antiseptic.
41. Mimosa pudica L. Lazwanti Root Powder is used to for strength. Seeds
(Mimosaceae) are used for digestion purpose.
42. Momordica dioica Kakora Fruit vegetable is used in all kind of fever for
Roxb.(Cucurbitaceae) mouth freshness & immediate recovery.
43. Mukuna pruriens(L.) DC. Kewanch Roots are used against snake bite.
44. Nyctanthes arbortristis Parizad Decoction of shoot tips mixed with honey
L.(Oleaceae) and taken once a day on empty stomach for
seven days to cure malarial fever.
45. Ocimum sanctum Linn. Tulsi Decoction of leaves & seeds is used to cure
(Lamiaceae) malaria, Jaundice, Typhoid, Cough & cold
and throat infection.
46. Opuntia dillenii  How. Nagphani Poultice of crushed stem is applied on
Cactus indicus Roxb. wounds. 1 or 2 flower bud is burned in
(Cactaceae) ‘Kanda’(a fuel of cow dung) & mashed
properly, filtrate with honey is given to
children during ‘Cucur-khanshi’.
47. Oxalis corniculata L. Khatti bhazi The vegetable of leaves is given to diabetic
(Oxalidaceae) patients.
48. Phyllanthus emblica L. Amla Fruit powder is used to prepare ‘Triphla-
(Euphorbiaceae) Churna’.
49. Phyllanthus niruri L. Bhui amla Decoction of whole plant body with mishri
(Euphorbiaceae) (sugar) is used for jaundice treatment.
50. Psoralea corylifolia L. Bemchi The lotion of seed with “Gau Mutra” is used
(Fabaceae) to cure the leprosy. It is a guarantied
51. Ricinus communis L. Arandi 2 leaves of the plant are fried in mustered oil
(Euphorbiaceae) than filtered sap is given up to 3 days for the
treatment of jaundice.
52. Ruta graveolens L. Sitab The extract of leaves is used to treat against
(Rutaceae) ringworm & teenia solium in children.
53. Semecarpus anacardium Linn. (Anacardiaceae) Bhilwa The seed oil is applied on the painful spot or foot warm in leg soles.
54. Sida cordifolia L. Kharenti The extract of leaves is used for heat in urine.
55. Solanum melongena Linn. Jangli baigan The root powder is used in stomach pain and
(Solanaceae) the heat of urine.
56. Solanum nigram L. Makoi Fruit powder is useful in digestion.
57. Terminalia  bellerica Baheda Fruit powder is used to prepare ‘Triphla-
Roxb. (Combretaceae) Churna’ with Amla & Harra.
58. Terminalia arjuna Arjun Bark extract is used in heart disease &
(Rpxb.)W.& A. fractured bone recovery.
59. Terminalia chebula Retz. Harra Fruitcarp of Harra, baheda and Amla crushed
(Combretaceae) and mixed togather. It is known as “Triphla
60. Terminalia tomentosa L. Saja New fresh leaves are collected & cut in to
(Combretaceae) small pieces then mixed with wheat husk &
grains. It serves to cattle as high energy
61. Tinospora cordifolia Decoction of finger sized climber with
(Lour.) Miers Kalmegh, Shivlingee, Neem & Tulsi is used
(Manispermaceae) Giloy to cure any kind of fever like-malaria,
chicken gunia, bird flue & swine flue etc.
62. Trichosanthes palmata Indryan-lal Root powder gives orally in fever. It mixes
Roxb. (Cucurbitaceae) with “Gau-Mutra” and prepare a lotion for
63. Tridex procumbens L. Kamarmodi Sap of leaves is full of antiseptic property it
(Asteraceae) uses for wound healing.
64. Tylophora asthematica Anta-mul Root powder is used to cure asthma.
65. Woodfordia fruticosa L. Dhuben 10 g. dry flowers, 10 g. dry Acacia bark, 5 g.
kurz. tobacco & 2 pinch salt mixed together &
(Lytheraceae) powdered. It is used as tooth-powder for
‘Payria’ disease.
66. Xanthium strumarium L. Gokhru Leaf juice is applied on painful teeth to
(Asteraceae) relieve pain.


Result and Discussion:-

The traditional knowledge of tribal communities in Pandhurna tehsil has high ethno botanical importance. They utilize numerous plants and their various parts viz, roots, leaves, stems, flowers and fruits in various ways. A total no. of 66 plant species belonging to 58 genera under 30 families are used to daily life of the Gond tribes. Out of 66 plant Cassia tora & Achyranthes aspera are most common herb of the area. It distributes in almost all part the Pandhurna tehsil while Anacyclus pyrethrum  & Trichosanthes palmata plants have a minute occurrence in the area. According to senior people-before 5-10 years ago these were modetary distributed but due to over exploitation, it limited up to dance forest of Sillevani valley only. The tribals are so innocent and some times they misguided and misused by some pharmaceutical brokers and shop keepers of herbal drugs. They explored a large quantity of medicinal plant without leaving a single ex-plant. There is a need to organize a training program on sustainable utilization of medicinal plant, otherwise many expensive medicines will be lost forever.


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