Gupta L. N, Kumar N. Vanga in Ayurvedic Literature. Biomed Pharmacol J 2010;3(1)
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L. N. Gupta and Neeraj Kumar

Department of Rasa Shastra, Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi- 221005 India.


Therapeutic importance of bhasmas of metals and minerals are time tasted. It is very important to look over the history, to make available the evidences for the use of metals and minerals in therapeutics and to provide the knowledge of processing techniques in ancient India. Rasa Shastra, the branch of Ayurvedic science that deals with the pharmaceutical processing of metals and minerals. Vanga is one of the most important metals described in various ancient Ayurvedic literatures. The literatures reveals regarding different features, geological distributions and various processing techniques i.e. shodhana, jarana and marana. The efforts have been made to collect and compile all the related material in relation to Vanga from all possible ancient literary resources.


Vanga; Shodhana; Jaran; Marana; Bhasma

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Since Vedic period till current time Vanga has been used in different way to fulfil the need of general life as well as ailing being. Initially Vanga was used for preparation of different house hold utensils in ancient past. Later on it is incorporated in medical use in the form of Bhasma. Ancient texts are much enriched with the description of therapeutic use with processing techniques of metals and minerals. In Samhita period very scant description of Vanga was found dispersed in the literatures.  The manufacturing techniques are mainly developed in the medieval period and since then the novel dosage form of metals/minerals i.e. Bhasma are used frequently for the betterment of ailing society both in short term and long term conditions.  History has its importance to exploring the information’s of past and to facilitate the way running in future.

Chronological Appraisal of Vanga

Vanga in Vedic Period

In Yajurveda and Atharvaveda the reference of Trapu is available for Vanga mentioned along with Suvarna, Rajat, Tamra, Loha and Naga. The word Trapu is originated from the dhatu “Trap” means to be ashamed.

Vanga in Samhita Period

Caraka Samhita

Caraka while describing Bhoumadravyas, included Vanga in PanchaLoha Group with Suvarna, Rajat, Tamra, Loha and Naga. Vanga is also a useful metal for the preparation of JihvaNirlekhanYantra ,VastiNetra along with Suvarna, Rajat, Tamra etc. In Chikitsasthana Trapuchurna is advised for Mandal Kustha.

Sushruta Samhita

Insutra sthana Acharya Sushruta has mentioned Vanga in Trapwadigana and described its pharmacological properties viz. lavan rasa, katuvipak, krimighna and lekhan karma. In chikitsasthana he also indicated the external application of tin plate while bandaging the Kaphaj Arbuda.

Table 1: Drugs used for Shodhana

S. No. Drugs Process/times Textual reference
1 AmlaTakra Dhalana          3  R.T.- 18/13,
2 AmlaTakra , Punarnava&Vatsanabha #NAME? R.Chu.- 14/136, R.J.N.-Vol-
3 ArkaDugda #NAME? A.P.-3/53,R.H.T.-6/14, R.S.S.-
1/289, R.T.-18/10, R.J.N.-Vol-
3, pp-105.
4 BrahmavrikshaKwatha #NAME? R.K.D.-3/293
5 BhringarajaSwarasa #NAME? R.T.-18/14
6 Churnodaka #NAME? R.T.-18/8
7 Churnodaka Swedana        3hrs R.S.S.-1/290
8 GhritkumariSwarasa #NAME? R.T.-18/14,
9 Gomutra #NAME? R.K.D.-3/151, A.P.-3/48
10 Kadalimula Rasa #NAME? A.P.-3/54
11 Kanji #NAME? A.P.-3/52
12 KatphalaKwatha #NAME? R.R.S.-5/157
13 Ksharambu #NAME? R.R.S.-5/70
14 KulatthaKwatha #NAME? A.P.-3/48
15 MahishiAsthiChurna&Mutra Sechana Rasarnava.-7/112
16 Mutravarga Nirvapa          7 R.Pu.-274
17 NimbuSwarasa #NAME? R.S.S.-326/1-2
18 NirgundiSwarasa #NAME? R.Chu.-6/13
19 NirgundiSwarasa&HaridraChurna #NAME? R.R.S.-5/158,R.T.-18/11,
R.Chu.-14/135, R.J.N.-Vol-
20 Tailavarga #NAME? RSS -326/1-2,
21 SnuhiKshira #NAME? R.KD.-464, RSS- 326/1-


Astanga Samgraha 

In Astanga Samgraha Vanga is mentioned in Bhoumadravyas along with pharmacological properties and indicated in different diseases like pandu, krimi and vaman.

Vanga in Mediaeval period / Rasa Literatures

In Rasa Hridaya Tantra, Vanga has been mentioned under Puti Lohas along with Tamra, Abhrak, Loha etc. and also described its Shodhana, Marana, Naga-Vanga yoga with Abhrakasatva for inducing Mukha in Parada.

Table 2: Drugs Used for Jarana/Marana of Vanga

a) A-Herbal Drugs  
S.No. Herbal Drugs Textual Reference
1 ApamargaPanchanga  R.J.N.-Vol.3.pp-104, R.P.-14/14, R.T.-18/20, A.P.-3/156, R.S.S.-1/298
2 ArkaDugdha R.R.S.-5/159, R.J.N.-Vol-3.pp-104, R.P.-14/17, A.P.-3/170, R.T.-18 27
3 AshwathTwak R.R.S.-5/159, R.J.N.-Vol-3.pp.104, R.P.-14/11, A.P.-3/177, R.T.-18/
4 BabbulTwak R.P.-14/32
5 Bhallatak R.J.N.-Vol-3.
6 ChinchaKashya R.R.S.-5/159, R.J.N.-Vol-3, R.P.-14/11, A.P.-3/174,
7 Haridra R.J.N.-Vol-3,A.P.-3/171
8 Jiraka R.J.N.-Vol-3,R.P.-14/24, A.P.-3/171
9 Palasha R.J.N.-Vol-3,R.P.-14/32,
10 Pippali R.R.S.-5/159,A.P.-3/167
11 Tila A.P.-3/176


First time in Rasarnava, Shweta and Krishna verities of Vanga are mentioned

In Rasendra Chudamani, Khurak and Mishraka verities of Vanga are mentioned with the Mehagna and Rasayana properties, which claim to cure 20 types of Pramehas and also described the pharmacological properties and procedures of Shodhana and Marana.

Table 2(b): Mineral drugs

S.No. Mineral Drugs Textual Reference
1 Haratala R.H.T.-17/6,R.Chu.-14/130,R.R.S.-5/159,
R.KD.-466,R.P.-14/11-13, A.P.-3/162,R.T.-18/26
2 Makshika R.J.N.-Vol-.3
3 Parad R.R.S.-5/160,R.T.-18/16
4 Saindhava R.J.N.-Vol-3
5 Shilajatu R.KD.-483,A.P.-3/160


In Rasa Kamdhenu first time described the VangaDoshas along with pharmaco-therapeutical properties of metal such as Dhatuprada, Balakara, & Chaksushya.

In Ayurveda Prakash, synonyms, verities, pharmaceutical procedures, pharmacotherapeutic indications, characteristics of Khuraka Vanga are described.

Table 2(c): Animal Origin Drugs

S.No. Animal Origin Drugs Textual Reference
1 Kukkutandatwak R.Mt.-3/92
2 MuktaShukti R.J.N.-Vol-3, R.Mt.-3/92
3 Shankha RJ.N.-Vol- 3
4 Varatika R.J.N.-Vol- 3


In Rasa Tarangini, the author has emphasised the importance of Vanga Shodhana and advised Prakshalana with water after Jarana to remove the Kshara of Jarit Vanga.


First time among Ayurvedic Rasa text the author of Rasarnava classified the Vanga on the basis of its colour, Sweta and Krishna. In RasendraChudamani, on the basis of appearance two types of Vanga, Khuraka and Mishraka are mentioned. KhurakaVanga having the properties like silvery white, mridu, snigdha, guru, melts easily and nishbdam while MishrakaVanga full of impurities, dirty white in colour, hard with bad smell and not melts easily.

Table 3: Anupana of VangaBhasma for different diseases

S.No. Disease Anupana/sahapan
1 Prameha Shilajit, Gudichisatva, Tulasiswarasa
2 Pandu Goghrit
3 Gulma Tankanachurna
4 Napunsaka Apamargchurna
5 Agnimandya Pippalichurna
6 Swetapradar Lohabhasma, Suktibhasma&Ralachurna
7 Sukravardhaka Musalichurna, Haridrachurna
8 Sukrastambhaka Kasturi, Jatiphala
9 Kustha Khadirakwatha
10 Jalodar Goat milk.



Khuraka Vanga is accepted for therapeutic purposes. This is having the properties like silvery white, mridu, snigdha, guru and nishbdam .


When apakvaVangaBhasma or asuddhaVangaBhasma is administered then following diseases may occur like kustha, gulma, pandu, prameha, vatarakta etc.

Table 4: Formulations Containing Vanga Bhasma

S.No. Formulations Ingredients Bhavana Drugs Indications
1 MuktaPanchamrita Muktabhasma, Pravalbhasma, Vanga Ikshu rasa, Jirnajwar
Rasa (B.R.-14/219- bhasma, Shankhabhasma, Shuktibhasma Godugdha,
221) etc. Ghritkumarai , swarasa
2 Laxmivilas Rasa (B.R.- Swarnabhasma, Rajatabhasma, Abhraka Madhu, Chitraka Kshaya,Tridosha
14/222-225) bhasma, Vangabhasma, Tamrabhasma, kwatha jaPandu,
Lauhabhasma, Naga bhasma, Mukta Kamla, Arsha,
bhasma, Paradabhasma, Suddha Swasa, Kasa,
Vatsanabha etc. Kushtha
3 Mahakaleshwara Rasa Lauhabhasma, Vangabhasma, Tamra Bhangaswarasa Kshaya, Swasa,
(B.R.-15/74-79) bhasma, AbhrakabhasmaSwarnamakshika Kasa,
bhasma, SuddhaParada,Suddha Rajyakshma
Gandhaka, SuddhaVatsanabha, Lavanga,
ChotiEla, Dalchini etc.
4 VasantTilaka Rasa Swarnabhasma, Abhrakabhasma, Vanga Gokshurakwatha, Kshaya, Pandu,
(B.R.-15/154-155) bhasma, Lauhabhasma, Muktabhasma, Vasapatraswarasa Swasa, Kasa,
Paradabhasma etc. Prameha, Jwar
5 UnmadabhanjanRasa Rajatabhasma, Abhrakabhasma, Vanga Unmada,
(B.R.-24/41-45) bhasma, Lauhabhasma, Pravalbhasma, Apasmara,
Trikatu, Triphala, Kutaki, Trivrita etc. Raktapitta
6 Nageshwara Rasa SuddhaParada,SuddhaGandhaka, Vanga Arkadugddha, Pleehavriddhi,
(B.R.-32/88-90) bhasma,  Naga bhasma,Suddha Chitrakakwatha Pandu, Shotha
Manahshila, Lauhabhasma, Tamrabhasma,
Abhrakabhasma Tankan, Yavakshara etc.
7 Tarkeshwara Rasa SuddhaParada,SuddhaGandhaka, Gokshurakwatha, Mutrakriccha
(B.R.-34/35-39) Abhrakabhasma, Vangabhasma,  Lauha Panchtrinakwatha
bhasma, Yavakshar, Gokshura etc.
8 Vasantkusumakara Swarnabhasma, Rajatabhasma, Abhraka Ikshu rasa, Prameha,
Rasa(B.R.-37/121-126) bhasma, Vangabhasma,  Lauhabhasma, Godugdha, Kshayakasa,
Naga bhasma, Muktabhasma, Pravala Laksharasa etc. Swasa
bhasma etc.
9 Vangeshwara Rasa Vangabhasma, KantaLauhabhasma, Ghritkumarai Prameha,
(B.R.-37/164-165) Abhrakabhasma etc. swarasa Mutrakriccha, Pandu
10 Apoorvamalinivasanta Vaikrantabhasma, Abhrakabhasma, Shatavarikwatha, Jirnajwar,
Rasa (B.R.-37/184- Tamrabhasma, Swarnamakshikabhasma, Haridrakwatha Prameha,
186) Rajatabhasma, Vangabhasma, Pravala Mutrakriccha
bhasma, Rasa sindoor, Tankan etc.
11 Chudamani Rasa Rasa sindoor, Swarnabhasma, Rajata Jwar, Kasa,
(R.S.S.- 2/2/352-357) bhasma, Abhrakabhasma, Vangabhasma, Swasa, Grahani,
Tamrabhasma, Lauhabhasma,  Mukta Kamala,
bhasma, Pravalabhasma etc. Mutrakriccha,
12 Sarvanga Sunder Rasa Swarnabhasma, Rajatabhasma, Abhraka Shunti, Vijaya, Vataroga,
(R.S.S.- 2/29/42-46) bhasma, Vangabhasma, Tamrabhasma, Dhattura, Jayanti Kapharoga.
Lauhabhasma, SuddhaParada,Suddha
Gandhaka, SuddhaManahshila etc.

Shodhana of Vanga

Generally Shodhana of Vanga is done by dhalana method in “PitharYantra” with the use of various liquid media and methodologies applied for Shodhana procedure described in different texts are given in table-1.

Jarana/Marana of Vanga

Jarana is the intermediary process between shodhana and marana, whereas marana is the final process of Vanga for its intended use. These processes are described in different texts with use of different associated materials of plant, animal and mineral origin. Drugs used and methodologies applied for jarana/marana procedures described in table-2.A to C.

Pharmacological action

The pharmacological properties of Vanga as described in SushrutSamhita having Katu and Lavana rasa, Lekhan karma and Krimighna. In Rasa Tarangini, Vanga has tikta and kasayarasa,laghugunasitavirya, vataharprabhav.


1-2 Ratti


Anupana of VangaBhasma for different diseases are illustrated in table- 3.

Therapeutic use

The therapeutic uses of VangaBhasma are indicated in Prameha, Swapnameha, Swasa, Pandu, Krimi etc.

Some important formulations of VangaBhasma along with therapeutic indications are mentioned in table- 4.


The geographical distribution Vanga has indicated several features.

On the basis of features, place of origin, appearance, utility and therapeutic uses, Vanga have different synonyms.

Shodhana, jarana and marana indicate the enriched ancient technology of metal processing by applying different types of procedure of different associated drugs.

The therapeutic importance of Vanga is shown by the use of it in different diseases.


R.S.S.- RasendraSarSangraha, R.T.- Rasa Tarangani, R.R.S.- Rasa RatnaSammucchaya, R.Chu.- RasendraChudamani, R.H.T.-Rasa hridayaTantra, R.P.- RasendraPuran, R.KD.- Rasa Kamdhenu, R.J.N.-Rasa JalNidhi, A.P.- Ayurveda Prakash, R.Mt. – Rasamritam, B.R.- BhaishajyaRatnavali,


  1. A) Anonymous, edited by Shastri V. L., SuklayajurvedaSamhita, ChaukambhaVidyabhawan, Varanasi, Ist edit., 18thChapter, Verse-18/13, 447 (1992).
  2. B) Anonymous, edited by SayanacharyaViswabandhu, Viswesaranad Vedic Research Inst. Hoshiarpur, Ist edit., Part-3, Verse-11/3/8, Pp-1330 (1962).
  3. AcharyaAgnivesa, CharakaSamhita, edited by Tripathi. B, ChaukhambhaSurbharatiPrakashan, Varanasi, 3rd edit, Verse- Su. Stha-5/74, Ch. Stha-7/88, Sidh.Stha-3/7 (1994).
  4. AcharyaSushruta, SushrutaSamhita, edited by Shastri K.A, ChaukambhaSanskritSamsthan, Varanasi, 4th  edit., Verse- Su.Stha-46/331, Chi. Stha-18/38 (1979).
  5. SrimadBridhVagbhatta, AstangaSamgraha, edited by R.D.Tripathi, ChaukambhaSanskritPratisthan, Delhi,ReprintVerse-Su.Stha-12/10, Pp-248 (1999).
  6. A) SrimadBhagvatGovindapadacharya, Rasa HridayaTantra, edited by Chaturbhuja Mishra, Krishna Gopal Ayurveda Bhawan, Ajmer, 2ndedit., Verse-5/5, 8/4, 18/15, 18/69 (2002).
  7. B) Yogi Bhairavanand, Rasarnava, edited by I.D. Tripathi, ChaukambhaSanskrit series    office, Varanasi, 2nd  Verse-7/110, Pp-103 (1978).
  8. C) AcharyaSomadev, RasendraChudamani, ChaukambhaOrientalia, Varanasi, 1st, Verse-14/134: 265 (1984).
  9. D) VaidyaChudamani , Rasa Kamadhenu, edited by YadavjiTrikamjiAcharya,   ChaukambhaOrientalia, Varanasi, reprint. 2/460-461: 172 (1988).
  10. E) Sharma Sadanand, Rasa Tarangani, edited by Shastri, K.N, MotilalBanarasi Das, Varanasi,  11th , 18/34-35: 442 (1979).
  11. A) Yogi Bhairavanand, Rasarnava, edited by I.D.Tripathi, Chaukambha Sanskrit series office, Varanasi, 2ndedit.,  7/110: 103 (1978).
  12. B) AcharyaSomadev, RasendraChudamani, ChaukambhaOrientalia, Varanasi, 1st, Verse-14/131-133, Pp-264-65 (1984).
  13. Sharma Sadanand, Rasa Tarangani, edited by Shastri, K.N, MotilalBanarasi Das, Varanasi, 11th edit., Verse-18/5,Pp-436 (1979).
  14. Pt. RamprasadVaidyaupadhyay, Rasendrapurana, Laxmivenkateswar, Mumbai, 14/50: 283 (1983).
  15. Sharma Sadanand, Rasa Tarangani, edited by Shastri, K.N, MotilalBanarasi Das, Varanasi, 11th  edit., 18/39: 443 (1979).
  16. MadhavaUpadhya, Ayurveda Prakash, edited by,  Sharma Gulraj, ChaukambaVidyabhawan,  Varanasi,  2nd edit., 3/152: 374 (1962).
  17. Sharma Sadanand, Rasa Tarangani, edited by Shastri, K.N,  MotilalBanarasi Das, Varanasi, 11th edit., 18/46: 445 (1979).
  18. A) Sharma Sadanand, Rasa Tarangani, edited by Shastri, K.N, MotilalBanarasi Das, Varanasi, 11th  edit., 18/47-67: 346-347 (1979).
  19. B) Pt. RamprasadVaidyaupadhyay, Rasendrapurana, Laxmivenkateswar, Mumbai, Chapter-14/35-49, Pp-281-283 (1983).
  20. C) Sri Govind Das, BhaishajyaRatnavali, edited by RajeshwarduttaShastri, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan,Varanasi, Samvat 2038.
  21. D) Sri Gopal Krishna, Rasendra Sara Sangraha, edited by Pt. AmbikaduttaShastri, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series, Varanasi (1994).
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