Agnihotri N, Saxena H, Chourasia S, Chauhan R, Patel S, Tharani M. Lipid And Other Nutrients Metabolism In Bombyx Mori During Gowth And Metabolism. Biomed Pharmacol J 2010;3(1)
Manuscript received on :May 10, 2010
Manuscript accepted on :June 07, 2010
Published online on: 23-11-2015
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Nameeta Agnihotri1, Hemant Saxena1, Sangeeta Chourasia1, Rajendra Chauhan1, Sapan Patel2* and Mahesh Tharani1

1Pest Control and Ayurvedic Drug Research Laboratory , S.S.L. Jain P.G. College Vidisha India.

2School of Studies in Botany, Vikram University, Ujjain India.


Bombyx mori mainly feeds upon the tender leaves of Morus alba. The leaf contains such as fats, lipids, proteins minerals and water which may in influence the growth and metamorphosis of the larvae. if the diet does not contain all the mineral nutrients, the growth and metabolisms is affected adversely which may lead deformation in cocoon formations as well as the quality of the silk. The paper reports the lipid profile of mulberry leaves and its effects on growth and metabolism of the larve.


Morus alba; Bombyx mori; growth metabolism; moisture content

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Agnihotri N, Saxena H, Chourasia S, Chauhan R, Patel S, Tharani M. Lipid And Other Nutrients Metabolism In Bombyx Mori During Gowth And Metabolism. Biomed Pharmacol J 2010;3(1)

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Agnihotri N, Saxena H, Chourasia S, Chauhan R, Patel S, Tharani M. Lipid And Other Nutrients Metabolism In Bombyx Mori During Gowth And Metabolism. Biomed Pharmacol J 2010;3(1). Available from:


Silk moth is an insect of order Lepidoptera which needs exogenous source of lipid compound for growth and development. Steroids have several vital functions including larval growth and development. the silk moth which is monophagous insect, feeds upon mulberry leaves. The quality of mulberry leaf is very essential for the proper growth and metabolism of Bombyxmori, Lipid which contains phospholipid and triglyceroids are found to be present either in the fat body or larval lymph glands. Smith (1980) have reported the role of plant lipid in embryonic development of Bombyxmori. Similarly, jackson (1980) have reviewed the location of lipid and its biosynthesis in insect body. Chino and Gilbert (1965) have also reported the role of lipid in the transport of haemolymph.

The present paper was aimed to report the utilization of plant lipid for growth and metamorphosis of Bombyxmori.

Material and Methods

Mulberry plants that is Morusalba leaves were collected from Johad Sericulture Form Govt. of M.P. the Tender leaves were fad to the different in star silkworm according to their need. Bivoltine variety of silk worm was used for the presently study.

Rearing and feeding of larvae of Bombyxmori.:Bombyxmori have four stages of growth and development. In the first stage.

The embryo grows and develops in to a larva. The second is a vegetative stage, in which the larva takes nutrients i.e. mulberry leaves. Mulberry leaves are the sole food for larvae in commercial sericulture and of silkworm crop. Hence choice of mulberry leaves suitable for healthy growth of silkworm is one of the most important factors in sericulture. The third is a metamorphic stage in which the larva becomes pupa and then into the adult. The fourth stage of cycle is known as reproductive stage in which moth mates and the female moth lays eggs producing next generation.

Feeding of silkworm :- For the proper growth and metamorphosis of larvae, proper feeding was giving as per standard method (Saxena 2000).


Mulberry leaves are the sole food for silkworm. The mulberry leaves were collected and chemical analysis was carried out as giving in table 1,2,3, and figure 1.

Table 1: Showing loss in weight in mulbery leaves (100gms) tender leaves

Weight of Dry weight of Loss in weight         Ash contends 2.5%
leaves leaves and %
(Tender) Acid soluble water soluble
50gms 12gms 38gms=76% 1.6gms 40gms


Table 2: Mineral composition of the ash of mulberry leaves

S. No. Main Constituents Percentage
1 K2O 35.46
2 Na0 22
3 Cao 16.96
4 SIO2 12
5 P2O5 10.01
6 SO3 5.33
7 Mgo 3.7


Table 3: Comparative contents of Sugar, Strach and water in Mulberry leaves

S. No. Contents       Time  
8 18
1 Water 82.11 74.901

Utilization of mulberry leaves constituents by silk moth

The lipid fraction of Soxlahet extracted plant material was applied through dietery material. it has been noticed that the cholestrol of plant was feeding stimulate which showed nutritional and behavioural effect of silk moth, Bombyxmori.

The result have been shown in tables 4,5, and fig. 2.

Table 4: Showing rearing schedule of young larvae instars of Bombyxmori

Age of silkworm Temp. RH% Size of leaf Quality  No.of No.of
        square (cm) of leaf feeds/day cleanig
Multivoltine strain IINSTAR 27 80-90 0.5-2.0 2-2..5 4-Mar 1
of B.mori IIINSTAR 27 80-90 2.0-4.0 7-Jun 4-Mar 2
IIIINSTAR 26 75-80 4.0-6.0 25-30 5-Apr 3
Bivoltine strain IINSTAR 27 80-90 0.5-2.0 2-5..5 4-Mar 1
of B.mori IIINSTAR 27 80-90 2.0-4.5 10-Aug 4-Mar 2
IIIINSTAR 26 75-80 4.5-6.2 35-45 5-Apr 3
For 100 disease free laying .


Table 5 : Average of ingestion, egestion, assimilation, tissue grwoth in different instars of B. mori

    Fresh wight in grams
Larval Ingestion Egestion Assimilation Tissue
Instar Leaf     Growth
I – INSTAR 0.400 ± 0.002 0.1000 ± 0.001 0.3 00  ± 0.002 0.048 ± 0.002
(0.2 9) (0. 3 8) -0.2
II – INSTAR 2.197 ± 0.001 0.580 ± 0.001 1.617  ± 0.001 0.480 ± 0.002
-0.61 -2.04 -2.05
III – INSTAR 6.327 ± 0.003 1.740 ± 0.001 4.587 ± 0.002 1.850 ± 0.017
(4.6 5) (5. 7 8) (7. 66)
IV – INSTAR 17.200 ± 0.047 5.6 00 ±  0.69 11.600 ± 0.100 5.600 ± 0.079
(12. 6 3) -14.62 (23. 17)
V – INSTAR 110.060 ± 0.021 48.8 10 ± 0.028 61.250 ± 0.047 16.200 ± 0.094
(8 0.8  2) (77. 19) -67.03
± Values indicate Standard Error (SE): instar wise percentage of ingestion, assimilation and tissue growth are given in parenthesis.


Table 6: Mean efficiency of food utilization by Bombyxmori larvae

Instar Approximate                 Efficiency
  Digestibility Ingested Food Digested Food
  (AD%) (ECI %) (EC D%)
I – INSTAR 74.998 ± 0.106 11.998 ± 0.248 15. 99 3  ± 0.456
II – INSTAR 76.600 ± 0.025 22.2 3 8 ± 0.25 30.67 5  ± 0.024
III – INSTAR 72.44 8 ± 0.018 29. 2 3 8  ± 0.2 25 40.330 ± 0.348
IV – INSTAR 67. 4 3 8 ± 0.048 32 552 ±  0.379 46.26 5 ± 0.315
V – INSTAR 55.65 3 ± 0.032 14.72 0 ± 0.081 26.45 0 ± 0.134
± Values indicate standard error (SE).


Lipid metabolism

After the feeding of mulberry leaves there is decrease in neutral and phospholipid during the embryonic development of silkworm. The steroid remains at same lebel throughout the embryonegenesis, The fat body of the moth exhibit sexual dimarphism in lipid contents. (Fig – 2).


In the present study detail observations on utilization of host plant and its interaction with the larvae of Bombyxmori have been recorded which have been mentioned in table 4. It has been noticed that due to shortening. of feeding period, the larval period got extended in comparison to continuously fed larvae. During fourth instar, it was less pronounced, however, during Vthinstar, there was difference of about one day between 0 and 6 hrs/day of food deprivation. No remarkable difference was noticed between 0 and 3 hrs/day as shown in table (5). The pupal period did not show any difference between the treatment. Increasing level of food deprivation showed increase adverse effect of the survival percentage of the larvae.

Data, on food deprivation effect on the quantity of food ingested, faecal matter produced, food digestion and gain in body weight have been shown in table (6). Which showed an increasing trend with advancement in larval stage. These findings are in agreement with those reported by Kogan and Cope (1974), Ramdev (1978) on Achoeajanata, Mehrotra (1972) an Locusts and Nathet al., (1990) on Diacrasia.


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