Rout A. R, Kheti S. C, Mohapatra T, Tripathy A. Effects of Bio-Inoculants and Fertilizers on Growth of Moringa Oleifera PKM1 Variety. Biomed. Pharmacol. J.2009;2(1)
Manuscript received on :February 25, 2009
Manuscript accepted on :April 03, 2009
Published online on: 14-11-2015
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A. R. Rout1, S. C. Kheti¹*, T. Mohapatra1 and A. Tripathy2

1Mahatma Gandhi College of Pharmaceutical Science, Jaipur, Rajasthan (India).

2Apex College of Pharmaceutical Science, Jaipur, Rajasthan (India).


The concept of growth analysis has highly effective on the study of plant reaction in environmental condition. The determination of potential for the growth of plant will vary according to the environmental factors and nutrients application in form of fertilizer and bio-inoculants. The following study specifies the characterization of plant Moringa oleifera PKM1 variety by measurement of parameters like like Relative Growth Rate (RGR), Leaf Area Ratio (LAR), Net Assimilation Rate (NAR), and Secondary Metabolites (Biomass).


RGR; LAN; NAR; Biomass

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Rout A. R, Kheti S. C, Mohapatra T, Tripathy A. Effects of Bio-Inoculants and Fertilizers on Growth of Moringa Oleifera PKM1 Variety. Biomed. Pharmacol. J.2009;2(1)

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Rout A. R, Kheti S. C, Mohapatra T, Tripathy A. Effects of Bio-Inoculants and Fertilizers on Growth of Moringa Oleifera PKM1 Variety. Biomed. Pharmacol. J.2009;2(1). Available from:


Moringa oleifera (Horseradish tree) is the most cultivated species of a monogeneric family, Moringaceae native to the SubHimalayan tracks of India. Recently there is highly demand of some of the hybrid varieties of Moringa, especially variety PKM1 (South Indian origin) affecting the growth rate. The present study is to access the effect of different bio-inoculants and fertilizers on the growth and development of Moringa oleifera (PKM1) variety under green house condition as a part of rural livelihood support and also for the estimation of different growth parameters like Relative Growth Rate (RGR), Leaf Area Ratio(LAR), Net Assimilation Rate(NAR),  and Secondary Metabolites(Biomass).

Materials and Methods

Moringa oleifera PKM1 variety was used as the sample, the experimental set up was done inside the Green house maintaining the temperature 27-280C and water was sprayed inside it. The experimental setup contains 2 trays, each of 48 small pots from the total of 96. The pots were filled with sterilized soil and sand through the entire surface area of each pot. Then the row marked as treatments and columns as replication. There were 12 treatments including control containing 8 replications each. Different fertilizers were added to the respective treatments one by one as per the quantity fixed above. There after water was sprayed & then the seeds sowing inside pot i.e. one seed per pot.

The day of sowing was count 0 day in observation. After 6 days it started to germinate with minimum height of 1c.m. The observation was taken in 15, 30 & 45 days of germination (Table-2).

Table 1

      Treatments                            Fertilizers
Control Without any fertilizer treatment
T1 Urea (N) Each pot contains 5 ml
T2 S.S.P (P)Each pot contains 5ml
T3 Potash (K) Each pot contains 5ml
T4 Shymla 26-26-10 Each pot contains 5ml
T5 Bio-organic Annapurna 1gm/pot
T6 Bio-organic Garden samrat 1gm/pot
T7 Bio-organic Biopower 1gm/pot
T8 Fungi 5ml/pot
T9 Fungi 5ml+S.S.P 5ml/pot
T10 Fungi 5ml+S.S.P 5ml+ Annapurna 1gm /pot
T11 Fungi 5ml+ Annapurna 1gm /pot


Table 2 : (H- Height in cm, L- No. of leaves).

CONTROL H 12.35cm 20.44cm 27.97cm
L 28.85 30.71 45.37
T1 H 10.93cm 19.06cm 27.06cm
L 31.66 41.33 54.33
T2 H 15.02cm 24.9cm 36.65cm
L 27 31 38.5
T3 H 9.25cm 21.28cm 30.18cm
L 19.75 25 35.12
T4 H 10.22cm 19.83cm 28.93cm
L 20.8 32.33 43
T5 H 9.41cm 16.64cm 38.8cm
L 26.33 35.28 46.42
T6 H 8.9cm 14.71cm 27.27cm
L 19 28.85 40.28
T7 H 10cm 19.68cm 30.76cm
L 25 34.2 46.8
T8 H 13.88cm 22.78cm 32.65cm
L 23.16 34.16 46.83
T9 H 10.92cm 24.04cm 34.74cm
L 18.4 20.2 39.16
T10 H 10.2cm 19.83cm 30.88cm
L 18 31.25 36.62
T11 H 8.5cm 13.68cm 25.12cm
L 24.85 32.5 44.25


 Table 3:

treatment RGR(Mg/gm/day) NAR(Mg/cm2/day) LAR(cm2/gm)
C 0.0013 0.0023 30.885
T1 0.0097 0.0343 30.555
T2 0.0002 0.00017 18.678
T3 0.0019 0.0056 19.929
T4 0.002 0.0049 24.476
T5 0.007 0.0149 22.671
T6 0.0066 0.0116 27.926
T7 0.0085 0.0238 22.429
T8 0.0046 0.0117 24.612
T9 0.0022 0.00061 21.284
T10 0.0046 0.00943 27.373
T11 0.0039 0.00924 26.089


(Relative Growth Rate (RGR), Leaf Area Ratio (LAR), Net Assimilation Rate (NAR), and Secondary Metabolites (Biomass).)


Graph 1: (RGR, NAR, LAR & BiomassOF 11 TREATMENTS):

Graph 1: (RGR, NAR, LAR & BiomassOF 11 TREATMENTS):

Click here to View Graph


Table 4: Observation Of Biomass Taken At 45 & 60 Days

Treatments Dry biomass
At 45 days At 60 days
Control .505 .532
T1 .333 .609
T2 .765 .805
T3 .674 .688
T4 .662 .712
T5 .412 .567
T6 .520 .519
T7 .402 .568
T8 .444 .533
T9 .502 .762
T10 .580 .592
T11 .489 .538


Result and Discussion

Moringa oleifera PKM1 variety shows great response to different fertilizers. As from the above observation it conclude that  from the RGR analysis treatment no-1 with urea shows maximum RGR value i.e. 0.0097mg/gm/day, NAR value i.e.. 0.0343mg/cm2/day & LAR value i.e. 30.555cm2/gm. Biomass was estimated and was found better in treatment-2  in 45 & 60 days with SSP i.e. 0.765gm & 0.805gm respectively. So it concludes that RGR treatment T1 with urea is found beneficial over other application of Bio inoculants and fertilizers. This may be attributed to the uses of more Nitrogen by the plant.


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