Article Publication process

Our journal strictly adheres the guidelines and standards described by COPE. The Special Issue process requires a thorough understanding of the journal’s editorial workflow. This guide is designed to streamline communication and improve the success of Special Issues. Like our regular journal issues, a Special Issue follows the same rigorous ethical standards during the publication process.

Article Initial check

Upon submission of a manuscript for a special issue, an initial check is conducted to ensure it meets the journal’s basic requirements. This includes verifying adherence to the authors’ guidelines and copyright policy. Additionally, the initial check confirms the inclusion of essential sections such as the abstract, keywords, introduction, methodology, results, and references. Figures and tables are checked to ensure they are properly labeled and cited in the text. The manuscript is also scanned for plagiarism using iThenticate, and it is confirmed that all required ethical approvals and disclosures are documented. This thorough initial review helps streamline the subsequent stages of the peer review process, ensuring efficiency and adherence to quality standards.

To learn more about the policies and guidelines, please click below:

Instructions to Authors

Copyright and Licensing Policy

Plagiarism Policy

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Peer Review of articles

After submission, the in-house Managing Editor oversees the entire editorial workflow, including the peer review process. To ensure quality, originality, and novelty, Special Issue articles are reviewed by at least two independent experts. The Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal uses a double-blind review system, where the identities of both the reviewer and the author are kept confidential. Each manuscript receives at least two reviews, or three if the initial reviews differ significantly. This process follows our established peer review guidelines under the Editorial Policy, ensuring the highest quality and integrity in published research.

To learn more about our policies, please click below:

Review Policy

Editorial Policy

Guest Editor’s Role and Responsibilities

Guest Editors, recognized as experts in their respective fields, are responsible for proposing themes for Special Issues, coordinating the call for papers, and managing the peer review process. They ensure that each manuscript adheres to the journal’s standards and play a crucial role in the final publication decisions. Special Issues are overseen by either a single Lead Guest Editor or a team of 2 to 3 Guest Editors, each with experience in scholarly editing or reviewing. Existing members of the journal’s editorial board may also serve as Guest Editors for Special Issues published by the same journal.

Additionally, Guest Editors undertake the following responsibilities:

  • Preparation: Prepare the title, summary, and keywords for the Special Issue to introduce it to authors and readers.
  • Content Alignment: Ensure that published content aligns with the journal’s title and scope.
  • Contributor Coordination: Compile a list of potential contributors and invite experts in the field to contribute.
  • Editorial Decision-making: Supervise the entire peer review process and make final decisions on submissions.
  • Promotion: Promote the Special Issue through conferences, social media, and other relevant platforms.

Decisions regarding the acceptance or rejection of submissions by Guest Editors are based on reviewer reports. Guest Editors are prohibited from participating in decisions regarding papers they have authored. Such submissions undergo an independent peer review process, distinct from that of the Guest Editors and their research groups, with clear disclosure on any published paper. It is important to note that the Editor-in-Chief and/or Editorial Board Members also oversee and may be involved in the decision-making process, ensuring the quality and integrity of the Special Issue. Generally, Guest Editors oversee the content of the Special Issue, while in-house Editors provide administrative support.

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