Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal (BPJ) is an International Peer-Reviewed Research Journal whose frequency is quarterly. The journal seeks to promote research, exchange of scientific information, consideration of regulatory mechanisms that affect drug development and utilization, and medical education. BPJ take much care in making your article published without much delay with your kind cooperation and support.

Research papers, review articles, short communications, news are welcomed provided they demonstrate new findings of relevance to the field as a whole. All articles will be peer-reviewed and will find a place in the Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal based on the merit and innovativeness of the research work. BPJ hopes that Researchers, Research scholars, Academician, Industrialists, etc. would make use of this journal for the development of science and technology.

We therefore invite you to send your research articles, reviews and short communications for the current and the forthcoming issues of Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal.

Topics of interest include:

  • Medical Microbiology
  • Clinical Virology
  • Clinical Epidemiology
  • Genetic Epidemiology
  • Biomedical Engineering are Medical Sciences
  • Biochemistry
  • Genetic
  • Molecular and Cell Biology
  • Neurosciences
  • Anatomic Pathology
  • Tissue Engineering, and Regenerative Medicine
  • Proteomics
  • Biomaterials
  • Biomedical Imaging and Sensing
  • Biomedical Signals and Medical Sciences
  • Translational Biomedical Engineering
  • Drug Discovery
  • Cardiovascular Pharmacology
  • Immunology and Inflammation
  • Neuropharmacology
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