Augmented Reality Advancement X-Ray Imaging Medical Reality scanning
D DeebikaMaster of Engineering, Dept of Computer Science and Engineering, MNM Jain Engineering College, F3,maruthi homes, madipakkam, Chennai. India
Abstract: The main objective of this research article is to use Augmented Reality for medical imaging for advancement in Images developed from Ultrasound Scans,and microscopy images to be combined with videos. This combination of Scan Images mediated with video and audio enables the viewing of fetus moments to be incorporated as an video in the image to be watched by the medical consultant for all its sensory movements. This paper is designed with the intention to develop augmented reality to combine real time images of fetus with its actual videos showing its gestures, movements, and posture inside the uterus. This showcases the Doctors to examine patients while viewing superimposed medical images. In addition, this augmented reality mobile applications can provide the surgeon with certain essential information, which are usually not visible such as showing heartbeat, blood pressure. This application let a doctor by looking into images such an X-ray combined with the patients photograph, disease name ,symptoms and even videos. For example ,All these helps the specialist in visualizing the position of a tumor in the video of an endoscope or radiation exposure risks from X-ray Imaging devices.
Keywords: Augmented Reality; Sonographer; Ultrasound; superimposed Back to TOC