A Review of Myoelectric Prosthetic Arm Designs from 2011 to 2022
Shripad Bhatlawande1, Swati Shilaskar2* and Pranav Belgaonkar3

Department of E and TC Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, India

Corresponding Author E-mail: swati.shilaskar@vit.edu

Abstract: Prosthetic arms are worn by people whose arms have been amputated. Amputation involves surgical removal of the muscle, neurosensory system, and skeletal system. Myoelectric prosthetics make use of the signals generated by the intact muscles for the limb movement. Prosthetic limbs are designed using mechanical parts with suitable gear and motors. Users of prosthetic arms can carry out tasks associated with everyday living and their jobs almost exactly like they would with a natural arm. Prosthetic arms come in a variety of designs based on the needs of the user. The current research reviews the goals, plans, and trials conducted on prosthetic elbows, wrists, and hands between 2011 and 2022 from reputable conferences and journals. In this work, the design of two prosthetic hands with one degree of freedom and thirteen degrees of freedom, respectively, in the 3D simulation tool SolidWorks is described. Prosthetic elbow and a wrist with one degree of freedom were designed as well. The fine motor activities can be performed with the prosthetic fingers designed in this work.

Keywords: Prosthetic Arm; Prosthesis; Artificial hand; Myoelectric hand

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