Phytochemicals and Toxicity of the Extract from Cosmos caudatus Leaves
Asep Arifin Senjaya1*, Ni Nyoman Dewi Supariani2, and Ni Made Sirat3

1Midwifery Departement - Polytechnic of Health Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia

2Dental Hygiene Department - Polytechnic of Health Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia

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Abstract: The efficacy of traditional medicines is related to the complexity of the chemical properties of the drugs. Cosmos caudatus Kunth is a traditional medicinal plant with therapeutic properties. This study aimed to determine the chemical compounds contained in C. caudatus Kunth leaves and their toxicity. Toxicity tests were conducted on 24 male mice (Mus musculus) divided into one control group consisting of aguadest and five treatment groups consisting of C. caudatus Kunth ethanol extract at doses of 125mg/kg bw, 250mg/kg bw, 500mg/kg bw, 1g/kg bw, and 2g/kg bw. Phytochemical analysis showed that the ethanol extract of C. caudatus Kunth leaves contained alkaloids, tannins, phenols, flavonoids, and saponins. The highest levels of alkaloids, tannins, phenols, and flavonoids were found in the ethanol extract of C. caudatus Kunth leaves fractionated with aqua, while the highest level of saponins was found in the aqua fractionation extract. The highest test dose of 2g/kg bw did not cause poisoning or death in mice. There were no significant differences in liver weight (p=0.14), kidney weight (p=0.44), or creatinine (p=0.21) between the control and treatment groups. Histopathological examination of the liver showed severe hydropic degeneration that was not significantly different between the control and treatment groups. Renal histopathology showed significant differences between the control and treatment groups. Conclusion: ethanol extract of C. caudatus Kunth leaves contains alkaloids, tannins, phenols, flavonoids and saponins. A dose of 2 g/kg bw of ethanol extract of C. caudatus Kunth leaves was not toxic to mice, but most of the mice's livers experienced severe damage.

Keywords: Phytochemicals; toxicity; extract of C. caudatus leaves; invivo

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