Magnetic Field Exposure to Clinical Isolates of Acinitobacter baumanii
Suha Maher Abed1, Mohamed Ghadban Farhan1, Nahidah Kzar Madhloom2 and Batol Imran Dheeb3

1Department of Biology, College of Science, University of Tikrit, Tikrit, Iraq

2Department of Plant Protection, College of Agriculture, University of Tikrit, Iraq

3Department of Pathological Analysis, College of Applaied science, Samaraa university, Iraq

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Abstract: This paper presents the isolation of Acinitobacter baumanii from clinical dources such as wounds, burns and urinary tract infection. A total of 15 isolates of the studied bacteria were collected and identified by using macroscopic features, biochemical tests and the Vitek2 technique. The diagnosis was then confirmed at the species level. Antibiotics susceptibility test was performed following Kirby-Bauer procedure using 12 antibiotics before and after exposing the bacteria to a static magnetic field, to notice changes related to resistance or sensitivity of the antibiotic, in addition to experimenting with the bacterial viable count before and after exposure to the field as well. The results showed that the isolates had a high resistance to antibiotics, so that all the isolates were 100% resistant to both the third generation cephalosporin and ampicillin, while the most effective antibiotic against the isolates was Imipenem giving only 50% susceptibility. When the isolates were exposed to a magnetic field of 0.3 Tesla and for a period of 24 hours incubation at a temperature of 37 ° C, it was observed a decrease in the number of colony forming unit. Concerning with antibiotic testing after exposure, results indicated that Doxycycline was the most variable in the inhibition zone readings, as it increased significantly. We conclude from our study that the magnetic field can change the vital activity of bacteria by reducing its resistance to antibiotics, which is considered a health problem for the life of humans and their animals.

Keywords: Acinitobacter baumanii; Antibiotic Susceptibility; Static Magnetic field

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