Emerging Viral Diseases in India : A Review
Ragasudha1, N. Aravindha Babu2, S. Leena Sankari2, Anitha21Tagore dental college and hospital 2Sree Balaji Dental College and Hospital, Bharath University , Chennai.
Abstract: The incidence of emerging infectious diseases in humans has increased within the recent past or threatens to increase in the near future. Over 30 new infectious agents have been detected worldwide in the last three decades; 60 per cent of these are of zoonotic origin. Developing countries such as India suffer disproportionately from the burden of infectious diseases given the confluence of existing environmental, socio-economic, and demographic factors. In the recent past, India has seen outbreaks of eight organisms of emerging and re-emerging diseases in various parts of the country, six of these are of zoonotic origin. Prevention and control of emerging infectious diseases will increasingly require the application of sophisticated epidemiologic and molecular biologic technologies, changes in human behaviour, a national policy on early detection of and rapid response to emerging infections and a plan of action. WHO has made several recommendations for national response mechanisms. Many of these are in various stages of implementation in India.
Keywords: Ebola; dengue; chikunguniya; swine flu Back to TOC