The Role of Bisphosphonates in Childhood Diseases
Giorgio Attina, Stefano Mastrangelo and Antonio Ruggiero*

Pediatric Oncology Unit, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A.Gemelli IRCCS, Universita’ Cattolica Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy.

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Abstract: Bisphosphonates have found in recent years an increasingly wide application in adult neoplastic diseases and osteoporosis. Their mechanism of action is based on the inhibition of bone turnover favouring, in particular, the mineralization and the reduction of the frequency of the remodelling cycles. The fields of application of bisphosphonates in paediatric age are constantly evolving although new trials are needed to define the schedule of administration and their long-term side effects.

Keywords: Bisphosphonates; Bone; Children

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