Physiological Response of the Physical Capabilities of Adolescents with Sensorineural Hearing Loss to Regular Adaptive Handball
Vladimir Yu. Karpov1, Svetlana Yu. Zavalishina1*, Alexander V. Dorontsev2, Anastasia A. Svetlichkina2, Roman V. Kozjakovand Egor A.Yanpolsky3

1Russian State Social University, 129226, Moscow, Russia.

2Astrakhan State Medical University, 414000, Astrakhan, Russia.

3Gzhel State University, Ramensky district 140155 Moscow region,  Russia.

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Training within the framework of adaptive sports and especially handball helps to significantly increase the level of adaptation to social conditions in people with hearing system pathology.  Regular practice of this sport increases the accuracy of motor acts and stimulates general adaptive capabilities. The study involved 31 male teenagers aged 13-14 with sensorineural hearing loss of I-II degree.  Of these, two groups were formed: the observation group (14 adolescents), who began to engage in adaptive handball, and the comparison group (17 adolescents), who continued to engage in physical education at school.  The results of the annual medical examination, the results of functional tests and control standards of physical fitness were used.  The results were processed using the Student's t test and correlation analysis.Regular physical trainings within the framework of handball allowed to increase the coordination-motor potential and stabilize the vestibular-dynamic stability of adolescents.  They increased their physical readiness and the accuracy of their motor actions fulfillment in the conditions of play and in everyday life.Regular training in adaptive handball in adolescents with sensorineural hearing loss increases coordination abilities, speed capabilities, strength qualities and general endurance.

Keywords: Adolescence; Adaptive handball; Coordination; Mobility; Physical fitness; Sensorineural hearing loss

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