Serum Phosphate Level among Chronic Kidney Disease Patients on Chronic Dialysis
Sri Masyeni1, NW Sri Wardani2, DGA Budiyasa2 and DM Sadguna1

1Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Warmadewa, Jln Terompong 24, Denpasar-Bali,Indonesia

2Sanjiwani Hospital, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Warmadewa

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Abstract: The increase level of serum phosphate is common due to secretion failure of the kidney on chronic kidney disease patients (CKD). The study objective is to determine the level of serum phosphate among the CKD patient on chronic dialysis in Gianyar Bali. A prospective cross-sectional study conducted in 100 serum of the patients visiting dialysis clinic in Sanjiwani and Arisanti Hospital on October 2018. A three mL of blood was collected and the phosphate level was measured with spectrophotometer. Sixty-seven of 100 samples was male with mean age of 52.52 (SD±12.811). The most cause of CKD was chronic pyelonephritis. The mean of hemodialysis duration was 44.59 (SD± 32.40). Level of the phosphate more than normal limit found as high as 69% of the samples. There was a correlation between age (p=0.001), gender (p=0.020) and phosphate level, but no correlation between Body Mass Index, hemodialysis duration and phosphate level were observed, accounting for p=0.222 and p=0.264, respectively.High finding of hyperphosphatemia that found in the study revealed the presentation of CKD-mineral and bone disorder in CKD patients. Correlation of age with higher phosphate level may relate with the deterioration of kidney function in elderly.

Keywords: CKD; Phosphate Level; Hemodialysis

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