Analysis of Unipolar and Bipolar 4x4 EHG Signal for Classifying Uterine Contraction
T. Athira*1 and P. Shaniba Asmi2

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, MES College of Engineering, Kuttippuram, India.

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Abstract: Proper evaluation and detection of uterine contraction is an important treat during gestation period. Uterine contraction happens by the generation of electrical activity from a given myometrial cell to the adjacent cell. There are various methods for monitoring uterine contraction but they lack to distinguish true labour contractions (efficient) from contractions that will not cause delivery (inefficient). One of the most accurate non-invasive technique for monitoring uterine contraction is the uterine electromyogram or Electrohysterogram (EHG). The main aim of this paper is to check whether it is possible to discriminate labour and pregnancy contraction by using 16 electrode database. And also to check bipolar signals give better classification rate than monopolar signals. Result shows that bipolar signal have better performance than monopolar signals.

Keywords: Bipolar Signal; Electrohysterogram; Feature Extraction; Foetal Monitoring; Icelandic 16-Electrode Electrohysterogram; Uterine Contraction

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