A Comparative Mircoleakage Assessment in Root Canals Obturated by Three Obturation Techniques using Fluid Filtration System
Pravin R. Lokhande*1, S Balaguru2 and Deena Dayalan2  

1Scholar, Mechanical Department, Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R and D  Institute of  Science and Technology, Chennai 600 062, India.

2Mechanical Department, Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R and D  Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai 600 062, India.

Corresponding Author E-mail: pravinrlokhande@gmail.com

Abstract: The aim of this study was to assess the micro leakage in three root canal obturation techniques viz. Warm vertical condensation, Cold lateral condensation and Thermafil using fluid filtration system. In this study the fluid filtration method is fabricated and used to assess the micro leakage in gutta-percha material obturated using three obturation techniques viz. Warm vertical condensation, Cold lateral condensation and Thermafil. The assessment system which can quantify the micro leakage present into the obturated root canal cavity is today's vital need to improve the further progress in endodontics and conservative dentistry. 45 No's of samples were taken for study and categorized into three, Category I: 15 No's of samples obturated using warm vertical condensation, Category II: 15 No's of samples obturated using cold lateral condensation and Category III: 15 No's of samples obturated using Thermafil. All obturated samples were tested using the fluid filtration system. The DSLR 1200D Canon and Auto CAD by Auto Desk were used to record the bubble displacement in the micropipette. The micro leakage reading are shown in Table 2  and tabulated values showed that Category II:  15 No's of samples obturated using cold lateral condensation, showed highest micro leakage value highest micro leakage followed by Category III: 15 No's of samples obturated using Thermafil and Category I: 15 No's of samples obturated using warm vertical condensation. Category III shown moderate leakage value. The study indicated that micro leakage evaluation using the fabricated fluid filtration system is most reliable quantitative method. On the basis of comparison of micro leakage assessment of three obturation techniques it is found that warm vertical condensed sample having least leakage over the Thermafil and Cold lateral condensation. The reason for micro leakage is shrinkage of gutta-percha during solidification to cause gap in between obturation material and canal wall which can be avoided by providing shrinkage allowance.

Keywords: Micro Leakage Evaluation Techniques in Endodontics; Obturation Techniques; Root Canal Obturation; Sealing Ability

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