The Indifference of Daily Wearing of Corrective Linen in Relation to Platelet Activity in Women of Second Adulthood With First Degree Hypoid Obesity
Bikbulatova A. A and Medvedev I. N.Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia.
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Abstract: Despite the long and systematic efforts of modern medicine, obesity in women in developed countries is still a fairly common condition. Particular attention to this problem is caused by an increase in recent years in the number of cases of this pathology among women of working age who do not have the opportunity to regularly visit fitness halls and comply with various dietary restrictions. In this connection, the problem arises of cosmetic correction of their figures with minimal costs and efforts on the part of women. An exit from the given situation can be wearing corrective clothes, capable to lower volumetric sizes of a body by mechanical influence on it in problem sites. In the work, an evaluation was made of the safety of prolonged wearing of the author's version of the trousers, taking into account hematological and haemostasiological indices. It was found that in women with obesity of grade 2, who received this correction, there was a persistent retention of the measured values within the limits of the norm. The use of the author's version of corrective clothing in women with obesity was accompanied by a visual decrease in the size of their body at the place of wearing the used product. At the same time they had a stably normal level of platelet aggregation, corresponding to the values of control. The obtained results allow to consider the author's corrective clothing as a full and safe component of visual correction of obesity manifestations in women.
Keywords: Aggregation; Corrective Clothing; Obesity; Platelets Second Mature Age; Women; Back to TOC