Nerve Injuries During Root Canal Treatment: A Review
B.Hemasathya1, Paramasivam Vivekanandhan2, C.M.Bejoy Mony11Department of Conservative dentistry and Endodontics, Tagore Dental College and Hospital, Chennai – 600127. 2Department of Conservative dentistry and Endodontics, Sree Balaji Dental College and Hospital, Bharath University, Chennai-600100
Abstract: Nerve injury during root canal treatment is not a frequent complication, but when it occurs it needs immediate attention and prompt treatment. The symptoms of nerve injury may range from paraesthesia to hyperaesthesia or even dysaesthesia. Inferior alveolar nerve and its branches are commonly affected. Aetiology is over instrumentation, irritant irrigants and canal medicaments, loss of apical constriction and extruded sealants and obturation materials. Depending on the symptoms and the time of reporting, treatment options may vary. Continuous observation, surgical/non-surgical retreatment, systemic prednisone, decompression surgery, intentional replantation of the tooth are the various treatment options available. Prevention of such injuries is by attention to detail. Adherence to canal working length throughout the instrumentation procedure and taking a radiograph during the initial phases of the obturation can help to prevent such nerve injuries.
Keywords: nerve injury; paraesthesia; endodontics; decompression Back to TOC