Present Status, Future Road Map and Diagnosis of Zoonotic Mycotic Diseases
Rayaz Ahmed, F. A. Dar and Bilal GojriSri Venkateswara Veterinary university Tirupati - 517 502, India.
Abstract: In the current era of INDISCRIMINATE and wide-spread use of broad spectrum Anti-biotics, Radiotherapy, Cortico-steroids, Cytotoxic drugs, and immunosuppressants, besides increasing incidence of AIDS in man, Auto-immune diseases, coupled with stress of overcrowding and production in dairy animals, opportunistic, life-threatening and deep seated fungi, once thought to be non-Pathogenic, have now assumed a major role in systemic Infectious Diseases in humans and animals.
Keywords: Future Road Map: Zoonotic: Cortico-steroids: AIDS Back to TOC