The Investigation into the Effect of Flouxetine on Quantity of Ovarian Follicles in Adult Female Rats
Ebrahimian Anahita1, Pourahmadi Mohammad2 and Kargar Jahromi Hossein1

1Zoonoses Research Center, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Jahrom, Iran.

2Department of Anatomy, Jahrom University of Medical Science, Jahrom, Iran.

Abstract: Flouxetine is one of the antidepressants, which have been turned into one of the most frequently prescribed overdosing drugs in the world and millions of people throughout the world are inclined to pay a lot of funds for flouxetine and similar drugs. Flouxetine under Trade Name Prozac, which has been introduced at the end of 1980s, is one of the latest psychotropic drugs, which has made a lot of hue and cry in medical world. With respect to overdose of this drug and inadequate knowledge about quantity of ovarian follicles, it can be implied that the present research is intended to explore the effect of flouxetine drug on number of these follicles. 40 female rats (Vistar race) were divided randomly into 5 groups with equal size. The first group (control group) did not receive any drug. The second group (sample) was infused by distilled water. The experimental group I received 5mg/kg flouxetine per day; the experimental group II also received 10mg/kg flouxetine daily and the experimental group III received 20mg/kg flouxetine by intraperitoneal method per a kilogram of their body weight. After the end of this period, the rats were anesthetized and operated under biopsy and ovaries (left and right) were removed from their bodies and number of ovarian follicles was counted. The data that derived by means of SPSS software were analyzed and the results were expressed in some tables. The quantity of prenatal, secondary and atresia follicles showed no significant difference compared to control group, but the amount of prenatal and graph follicles and corpus luteum (yellow body) indicated significant reduction in comparison with control group in experimental group III, which received the maximum dose of drug. The results show that dose of flouxetine drug may reduce number of graph and prenatal follicles and corpus luteum, which reflect trauma in ovarian tissue.

Keywords: Flouxetine; Ovarian follicles; Female rat

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