Evaluation of Reactive Oxygen Metabolites in Down Syndrome Persons with Periodontitis-A Comparative Study
A. Nizar Ahmed, Deepak Mosses Ravindran, S. K. Balaji and C. C. Dinesh    

Department of Periodontics, Sri Ramachandra dental college and hospital, Chennai.

Corresponding Author E-mail: den_nizar@yahoo.co.in

Abstract: Down syndrome (DS) is one of the most common chromosomal disorders, occurring in one out of 700-1000 live births, and the most common cause of mental retardation. Increasing evidence has shown that DS individuals are under unusual increased oxidative stress, which may be involved in the higher prevalence and severity of a number of pathologies associated with the syndrome, as well as the accelerated ageing observed in these individuals. ROS leads to oxidative damage of DNA, proteins and lipids; therefore, oxidative stress may play an important role in the pathogenesis of DS. Periodontal disease is a common problem among DS individuals. The disease starts early in life and progresses with age eventually leading to tooth loss. This study was undertaken to evaluate and compare the levels of ROM in DS subjects with periodontitis and systemically healthy subjects with chronic periodontitis. There is significant increase in levels of ROM and shows statistically significant value (<0.001) in DS with Chronic periodontitis patients.

Keywords: DS-Down Syndrome; ROM-Reactive Oxygen Metabolites; ROS-Reactive Oxygen Species; SOD-Superoxide Dismutase

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