Prevalence and Distribution of Gingival Pyogenic Granuloma in Sulaimani population - Kurdistan Region - Iraq
Abdulkareem Hussain Alwan1, Faraedon M. Zardawi2, Sarhang  S. Gul2 and Afnan Abdulkareem Hussain3  

1Department, Dentistry department,  Al-Rafidain  university College, Baghdad, Iraq.

2Department, College of Dentistry, Sulaimani University, Iraq.

3First specialized dental center in Baquba, Diyala health directorate, Ministry of Health, Iraq.

Correspondent Author E-mail: dr_alsady

Abstract: Pyogenic granuloma is an inflammatory hyperplastic lesion seen in the oral cavity. It is commonly appear in the gingiva. The objectives of the research were to determine the percent of gingival  pyogenic granuloma  in the  population  of Sulaimani city -Iraq   in relation to gender, age,  pregnancy ,systemic diseases ,oral hygiene and site of occurrence of pyogenic granuloma. Materials and Methods:  In this study the total stratified sample [1136 (568 male +568 female] and the randomly selected sample [248 (124 male and 124 female their age range (from 10 to 70 year) .They were examined orally for inspection of gingival pyogenic granuloma and determination of oral hygiene. The percent of the total sample with gingival pyogenic granuloma was (11.3%). The most of patients with gingival pyogenic granuloma was in females in their Second decade.  The high percent of gingival pyogenic granuloma was found in buccal gingiva in upper jaw. Highly significant relationship was found between gingival pyogenic granuloma and its’ history. There was significant correlation between gingival pyogenic granuloma and oral hygiene status and systemic condition.

Keywords: Gingival; Granuloma Pyogenicum; Pyogenic Granuloma; Prevalence; Pregnancy Tumor Tumor;

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