The Prevalence and Evolving Risk Factors for Colorectal Cancer in the Arab World
Salman Y. Guraya

Surgery and Vice Dean College of Medicine University of Sharjah UAE. Corresponding Author E-mail:

Abstract: There is a global rise in the prevalence of colorectal cancer (CRC).Literature has shown an exponential growth in early detection and innovative strategies in treating CRC with some success. Despite preventive and screening measures, healthcare authorities have reported an increase in CRC in the Western as well as in the Arab world. Due to recent trend in adopting Western lifestyle by the Arab population, the current prevalence of CRC in the Arab world ranges from 19.8% to 38% and has been shown to affect younger population as well.In addition, new risk factors have been reported such as low serum levels of selenium and vitamin D, high use of food preservativesand microsatellite instability.Such emerging challenges in preventing and screening early CRC in the Arab world pose tremendous burden on healthcare authorities. In parallel with the state-of-art screening tools such as virtual colonoscopy and DNA-based stool immunohistochemistry tests, some in vivo endoscopic cytological examination by narrow band and confocal imaging have been introduced. The detection of microRNA-21 is being increasingly being used as a reliable biomarker for GIT cancers including CRC. Surgical resection of CRC remains the gold standard for CRC even in the presence of metastases.This research work underpins the prevalence of CRC globally as well as in the Arab world with special attention to emerging risk factors, early detection tools by nation-wide screening campaigns.

Keywords: Arab World; Colorctal Cancer; Colorectal Cancer Screening; Confocal Examination; Fecal Immunohistochemistry; Narrow Band Imaging

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